Lost my chest voice

I am facing a real problem right now. Just 5 days ago I was able to exercise and sing in much stronger chest voice not that much as I am still working on my voice but still stronger and now for the past five days I am struggling to stretch my chest voice as it becomes very weak .I am doing everything Ken says in his videos but still not doing that great as I was doing before .What could be the reason behind that? I am not straining as I am using full diaphragmatic support and I am using bright ping sound as Ken tells in his video.can overstretching beyond my limit could be the reason for weaker chest voice?
I know stretching it high will make my chest voice thin but even at lower range it's not that strong as it was before.I am not feeling any pain or soreness in my throat. My chest voice becomes very puffy if you what I mean.I can still stretch my voice to that range but not that strong as before and its sound very weak.Do I need to rest my voice to regain strength for my chest voice?