Accessing my head voice?

Hey everyone, I was trying to access my head voice but am not getting any closer, I just make my chest voice really thin & it make it seem as if I was using my head voice, Or I use my hard palate(I used the biological name because idk its name in the music perspective) when i try to access my head voice & it hurts after sometime plus I feel its not right. So I'll appreciate it if you help me.
It sounds like you could be using a lot of air to sing, which means you could work on using your air more efficiently. I would recommend singing using a straw. Straws have a very small area for air to come through, which is great because they make you use less air. So when practicing singing scales or even songs. Notice how much less air your using to sing notes. Now after using the straw try to sing without the straw and you should feel a bit of a difference.
Also try breathing through your lower belly and not your chest and using support.