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  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Too bad 3/4 full chest and full diaphragm won't help you float as well hehehe

    Steven Kindig
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    I found out first hand that its very important to keep working the chest voice or it will atrophy.

    dog gone it... Ken's right again.
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    edited July 2014
    I don't know how that singer in foreigner lasted all night at the concert. I got a lot of muscles to build up!
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Went and saw 3 Doors down this weekend. Big difference from foreigner. I down think he ever sings higher then b4 or or in his head voice?
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    I know that's not true but it all sounds the same to me
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    What sounds the same SteveK ? Is it about 3 Doors Downs' music?
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    It takes strength to sing hard all night.
    When I heard that some of the members were practicing 5 hrs a day I felt like I've been missing out. Not to mention I figured the reason that I wasn't as strong I wanted to be was because I wasn't putting in hours. 

    I've decided it was best to begin doing all three levels of exercises during the course of the week. I Still haven't started 5 hour days, but i'm trying my best to put in as much daily time as i can.

    The reason I want to do all three is because i think it may help me springboard to the next level.
    Level 1 is slow and I can get better intonation. level 2 is a better warm-up and helps me strengthen up.
    Level 3 is still hard on me right now... but I love the exercises!
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    @bigbrother‌ don't get me wrong. I appreciate the strength it takes to sings 3doors down songs. I sing "Kryptonite and Here without you" my abs need adjusted from fluffy ckickens to alligator tail tuff. But as I was at the concert I kinda got bored the tone of his voice never seemed to change from song to song.
    I can't wait til I can sing as effortless as he makes it look. He just stands there and let's it out with ease I never saw his abs move lol. I have to bend my legs and do crunches just to get the strength but its coming.

    Take it easy
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    I hear ya mang!

    He sings in different ranges and tempos, but brutally consistent with a passive aggressive intensity.
    Kinda makes it mono-tonal. 

    I also prefer the fat "in your face" intensity singers that can put it "out there" 

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Looks like I could be on another adventure soon...

    Anybody out here from San Antonio?
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Well I'm back from San Antonio. No sooner did I get back when I started to have another issue...

    Seems I have some car problems that need to be dealt with right away! Jeez right?

    I'm goin back to Miami, I'm goin back to my girl! 

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    I know how that goes! 

    We were on our way down to San Francisco last week to see the Paul McCartney concert at Candlestick Park.  After crossing some huge mountains our transmission wouldn't go beyond second gear!  Got stranded on the highway, but got it repaired in time to get back on the road and made it to the concert in time and back home in time to play my gigs without issues.

    What a show that was!



  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Well, today wad the first day I did level 3 from beginning to end and didnt feel stress. I actually feel good too.

    Up until now there was no way i could do those and go sing afterwards.
    Im sure tomorrow thing may change ;)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Volume Three is challenging enough to need to stay with it for a while just to get buff enough to be able to warm up with it and not be too tired to sing at a gig.  If you're not sure of your stamina, it may be better to warm up with the Volume 2 warmups on gig day.

    BUT, when you get strong enough, you can eat Volume Three for breakfast every day, and go to a gig and kick butt.  And the only way to get to that point is to do Volume Three EVERY DAY, five to six days a week.  Otherwise Volume Three will eat YOU for breakfast.

    It's a real workout, and once you are faithful to work out on it with FOCUS, day after day, you get over that hump of "man this is hard, my voice is tired..." and into that place of "Yeah, man, I gotta go now, time for my Volume Three Warmups!!! YUM!!! I think I'll do them twice before my gig tonight! Oh, darn!  Not enough time!"  When you're into your practice routine to that degree, you can't wait to get to your exercises, and can't wait to see how easy your songs are going to go at your gig.  Breakthroughs are more frequent, and plateaus are  shorter in duration.  Progress is at a maximum.  Boredom is not an issue.


  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    today was amazing.
    a friend asked me to dj her birthday party. i brought a mic for announcements but ended up using it for what ended up being a karaoke party
    when the singers wore out, i made a decision and i sang to the point where suddenly i was running on my second wind.

    to my surprise i got a glimpse into what my voice may sound like one day.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Par-tay my bru-thah!
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Sorry but happy to say wife got a second shift job...I'll be able to get back into practicing more. Alone at the house.....
    @highmtn‌ watch out for demos coming soon.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Isn't it odd that as soon as you find yourself to be the last person in the house, you suddenly want to start wailing at the top of your lungs?  Sometimes that's out of sympathy for those that would have to listen to you singing exercises.

    OK Steve, press record and remember to support, support, support!



  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    @highmtn‌ lol my support is all over the place it comes and goes as the muscles are still building. I last a couple songs at karaoke but I'm giving myself a learning curve til Im ready for the next step in my evolution. Singing always evolving. What will I learn next?

    Keep singing keep improving a step a a time.

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104

    still traveling. Going back to San Antonio for New Years (Yaaay!)

    still practicing EVERYDAY. usually 1.5 hrs doing the masters and beginners (in chest)... but sometimes i get to do the masters twice and get 2.5 hrs in.
    I am not nearly as good as i'd like to be yet. but the improvements that have been made are being noticed by musicians around the towns I've revisited. Every now and then I'll hear a comment from someone that says "this is karaoke... not for pro singers" XD

    Gotta lub it! 
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Happy Holidays
    Merry Christmas

    Id like to hear about some of the fun
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Never guessed I'd find Ken Tamplin Radio on Pandora. How cool is that?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    That's WAY cool, bigbro!

    Hope you had some Happy Holidays, Bro!


  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    I had a melancholy christmas
    new years was fine, but i got some bad news on the 3rd.

    this was followed up by even more stress... that eventually lead to really emotional singing.

    only thing keeping me going was practice everyday and reading the posts here when i get a chance.

    i did find myself taking long drives to clear my thoughts and recharge. anything to keep me going.

    rant over... im going too make the best of my situation and keep on moving on.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    Sorry to hear about the bad news.  Do the best you can to find things to look forward to.   Keep your chin up, my friend.  We're cheering for you.


  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    @bigbrother‌ awesome to see a post from you again. I always enjoy your posts. Hang in there dude glad to see your making it thru what life tends to throw at us when we least expect it... People enjoy you as a person. I know I do you just keeping going like an energizer bunny pushing yourself to do better and nothing is holding you back. Your an inspiration to how dedicated a person can be...

    Keep singing
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Just letting yall know I aint gone... im being handed a rough and tough year, but am not giving up just yet!

    I still do my vocal exercises everyday, i've been doing level 3 a year now. i also go back to the earlier levels for more stability. Id do anything to get a one on one with Mr. Tamplin
    I read the topics here for motivation, but don't have the time to respond like before. I apologize for lurkin.

    Keep you head up and fight the good fight
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Good to see a post from you ( @bigbrother ). I was just wondering about you and how your doing... Look forward to seeing another one soon.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    We miss you, BigBro! Amen to the good fight! Stay strong!

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    BigBro still loves this forum!

    Waaaaasssssssup ktva?
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Big Brotha!!! Waaaaaasup??!!
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    edited December 2015
    There are some very awesome and kind people and KTVA

    I received an email today from Lynette
    I see its getting close to Christmas... it appears I have a secret Santa!

    I have my suspicions, but i dont know who the person is. I want to thank you for this
    also I wish to thank Ken for being generous with his time
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Yes, there are some very awesome and kind people on this forum and certainly Ken runs an awesome ship! We are all lucky to have found this place. It's a home for us all to help one another on our singing journeys!

    Good to hear from you again, BB!!

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Happy holidays ya'll

    Have a frantic 1st ;)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Back 'Atcha, bigbrother! Everybody else, too!

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    edited January 2016
    bigbro is not feelin so hot!
    had emergency surgery last week on my nose and sinuses

    found out i have an oversized uvula too smdh!
    Recovery is goin to be a month.. but ill still sing lessons during this time.
    i look horrible, so no pic for now
  • Johan_KaleviJohan_Kalevi Pro Posts: 172
    @bigbrother 's uvula

    How's it hangin'?

    Please send a hello to BB and wishes for a speedy recovery from nasal and sinus surgery.

    Uvula, last time I spoke to your host, I was telling him about how my wife and I had intended on only watching a bit of one of the videos he'd posted, but as the costume changes went on, and between jump suits, capes, and I think even feathers (???) we felt compelled to continue watching - just to see what the heck he was gonna do next!

    Hope your neighbors upstairs will be fine - in no time. You being a uvula would know better than anyone else, that life has its share of ups and downs. ...if you're following KTVA properly, anyways ;)


  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    @bigbrother dude emergency surgery sucks. Get well soon bro.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Prayers for a speedy and full recovery, BB!

  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    You guys are great

    Smiling hurt but was worth it

    Thank you!
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Big Bro IS HEREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

    I just sat thru the webinar, got some friends to sit in. I may have at least one comin to join us.

    THANK YOU KEN FOR GIVING US YOUR TIME. Your selfless kindness will be punished... I mean rewarded.

    Today I'm not tellin what color G string I have on, but I will report that my road to recovery is well on its way. I seen the Ol' Doc and he said 6 more months before the swelling is gone.

    I never stopped singing through all this time, and though i had to sing less, the improvements are a bit easier somehow.

    I have been quite busy but still have y'all in my thoughts so I will continue to chime in.

    Not next year, but now i will be trying to start singing at gigs and such. I really want to get ( @Johan_Kalevi ) the satin and capes to fly again ;)

    LUV, PEACE, and Hairgrease !!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Good to hear from you, @bigbrother! I hope you are feeling better now.

  • Johan_KaleviJohan_Kalevi Pro Posts: 172

    Awesome news that the sinuses and all are recouping well!

    Oh man, any time you go sporting those get-ups again - do advise! :-)

    Along with your singing, that's all-season entertainment , dude!

    Peace :)
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    Hi everybody.

    still here!!!!
    i'm sorry i've been lurking :wink:

    I did the upgrade to V2.0
    WOW!!!! there's a bunch of material

    I was already on vol 3, but even then I still revisited all the volumes often. and never stopped practicing.

    Very cool stuff.
    I hope to become active again, even more than before

    How yoooou doin ?!?!?
  • bigbrotherbigbrother Pro Posts: 104
    I’ve managed another road trip this month

    I just drove thru the night from New Orleans to Miami

    I am SPENT!

    I did do my exercises while driving hahahaha

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    @bigbrother, hope you are doing well and able to jump back into the fray! You've been lurking for too long!
    Don't be a stranger!

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