the weight- the band (critique)

hey can someone please give me some feedback on this. any feedback is appreciated. i know my voice isnt the best so thats why i'm looking for some pointers!




  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41
    oh yeah here's the recording..

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Your voice sounds very light and remote.  I think we've talked about increasing your support in the past. 

    Increasing your support will put your voice more in the here and now, under more control and command. 

    Also you seem a bit distracted by the guitar playing.  You need to concentrate on your vocals, so a karaoke version would serve you better for purposes of improving your voice and getting feedback on your voice. 

    Support, support, support.  Just about everyone here is tired of me saying that, but I wouldn't have to say it if everyone supported their voice like they need to.  When we get support taken care of we can delve into splitting finer hairs.

    Keep on singing!  I like your spirit!


  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41
    hey bob thanks for the quick reply as always. i think i was singing with too much of an airy sound. i practised doing the lah exercise with more of a solid speaking-tone almost sound. that seemed to work. keeping the tongue at the front of the teeth (almost pushing it against the lower teeth) seemed to get a more solid, louder sound.. still not sure if i'm doing it right. but here is version two of the weight :)

  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41
    Cheers for the reply @cgreen and @highmtn, I will work more on support. also do you think the second recording sounds more "open throat" than the previous version. do u think this is more of a step in the right direction?
  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41

    also just out of curiosity do u think i'm more of a baritone or a tenor, its just that ive never really been sure..


  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41

    hey can someone give me some feedback. it would really be appreciated! :)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Yes, the second version sounds more solid.  It's still pitchy, but not as much as the previous version.

    Your voice sounds more tenor than baritone to me.


  • guitarmaniacguitarmaniac Volume 1 Posts: 41
    cheers for the reply @highmtn I will try to upload a sample of me singing without having to play guitar.. more coming soon!
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