Need some help on the basic technique of singing

I have just begun the program, and before getting too far into practicing, need to check something about basic technique. Let me preface by saying many years ago I took vocal lessons that left me singing completely nasal and from my nose. Haven't sang for a long time, so was not really an issue. It was only after seeing the KT you tubes that I started to realize this about chest voice etc. and decided to work on vox again.I am just starting Vol 1. I realized right away that I was not using any chest voice at all. In my normal register, I feel the notes pass over the voc chords, mechanics all feel fine and look like they should according to Kens example of back of throat. My question is when you are going from chest to head, you still are feeling those head notes on the vocal chords, just letting them go up further into the head after they pass over chords. Head voice does not mean you are singing in your nose, correct? As I said, bad teacher in the past brought my vocals so far forward I was basically singing in my nose.