Home Vocal Health and Wellness

Vocal Cracking and Fatigue

Hey Guys,

I have been singing professionally for 20 years. I am now 36. I would like to share some health history on my voice. 

About 2 years ago, I began to get really hoarse for no reason. This would happen even if I was not singing. I would wake up, and be hoarse. I was also having lots of sinus congestion. I started out by visiting an allergist. The doctor did allergy test, and found that I was allergic to all types of grass. I live in Nashville and there is nothing but lush grasses here! So, he put me on a antihistamine and a nasal spray. All of this helped my sinuses, but the hoarseness did not go away. I was then referred to an ENT. The ENT scoped me and found some inflamation and very very small calluses on my vocal cords. He also determined that I had really bad acid reflux. The acid reflux can cause major mucus on the vocal cords and even sinus problems. I am not over weight. I eat right and exercise every day. I do not smoke and I drink very little alcohol. In order to pull off some shows, the ENT put me on a round of prednisone. This helped but who wants to be on steroids? Not me! So, as of now, I take Protonix twice a day to reduce my acid refux, and it works!

So my question is this........ I have been working Volume 1 now for 4 weeks. For the first time since working the program, I have developed the cracking fatigue that I did back when I had inflamed vocal cords and calluses. Could this be over singing? Or, am I just doomed with calluses that are going to always be there? The ENT said they are not really nodes, and if they are, in time and rest they will heal themselves. He also says that calluses can form from decades of singing, even if the singing is performed correctly. Is this true? I'm really worried that my voice is gone forever :(

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited July 2014



    You certainly could be oversinging.  That will possibly cause swelling of the cords which will cause poor cord adduction. 

    Perhaps you could monitor yourself and make sure you're just not overdoing it on volume and strain. 

    Try doing your exercises lightly for a while and then gradually lean into it just a little more.  If that doesn't aggravate your voice, then you may just need to gradually work your way back into singing.  You should refrain from really leaning into the exercises if you are feeling symptoms like this.

    If your "breakup" continues, even at low levels and intensities, it's time to see an ENT again and get an evaluation.

    Your voice may just be needing some time to adjust to the new things you're asking it to do for you.  


    All the Best!




  • thecavethecave Volume 1 Posts: 18

    Hey Bob

    Thanks for the advice.I really lightened up my work outs yesterday, and I can already tell a difference. I pretty positive that I am just over-singing. When warmed up, I an sing an A4. One of my goals is to conquer the valley from A4-C5. I think I have just been pushing to hard, and being impatient.

    Thanks again for the advice.

    Best Regards
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Good, Andrew.

    Give yourself more time to adapt.  Gradually add more strength as your voice begins to grow, but always monitor yourself, and stop short of wearing out your voice.  Find that balance between oversinging and not working out sufficiently.

    Keep just under the oversinging limits and you should be fine.



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