Hello from Orange County, CA

I'm going to give this a strong shot. After much YT viewing and such of Ken's amazing ability, and reading testimonials, and watching more videos, I'm pretty completely convinced about Ken. So.... here we go. I just purchased the program. Time will tell how it all plays out.
I'm back at the piano again... learning to play music I enjoy, and want to be able to sing properly as well. This instruction will help me reach my goals, which are to become a professional singer. I believe in myself.
Thanks, Ken, for having this forum available. I'm sure there is MUCH I will learn and grow from.
That's exciting, Tom!
Glad to hear you're onboard! Fasten your seatbelt and prepare for takeoff!
You're going to like what's about to happen to your voice!
Nice to meet you!
Looking forward to hearing more great things from you as you progress, Tom.
Hi, Tom,
Please copy and paste into an email a copy of your purchase receipt for your KTVA purchase. Send it to ktvaforums@gmail.com Request an upgrade to your forums status.
If you are on a payment plan, you may have to wait until your final payment goes through to be upgraded to PRO (if you bought the Bundle), but in the mean time you may be granted Volume 1 access, and that's a good start, as that gives you access to a number of additional videos and tons more Forums postings that will keep you busy until your full access is granted.
Here is a link to Gabrielas' cool video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQQJx4TdLnI&list=UU6x5NRBmotXDEvLDDFWlLvA