Where I've been
Hi all, I wasn't sure if I was going to come back here or not but decided to.
I am so discouraged and haven't sang anything for nearly a month. Maybe I am just not cut out for this and don't have the thick skin needed.
What happened is my vocal teacher ditched me. I really don't know what happened as I never got to talk to her, only the secretary. The owner wrote an email asking me to move to another time as there was another student that wanted my spot. I thought this was pretty messed up as I have paid for a semester of lessons and they know I can't go there during the day. So I said I didn't want to give up my time and they gave it away anyway and said I could go with another teacher on another day and of course I can't because of work so that was the end.
I really don't know what to think about any of this. 

That's terrible the way they treated you. Please don't let that discourage you from following your own path. Get back to your exercises and songs and find the joy again. Don't let somebody else take that from you.
An epic post from Koko, totally I agree. Much wisdom from the 18 years of life he has learned! There is no try, Only do.
We are here to support one another. Singing is something that comes from inside of us, is attached to our feelings, and it can be crushing when we hear criticism or are treated badly regarding our voice or ability.
This place is a safe haven for all of us to help one another out. There is a voice inside of each of us that wants to sing out to the heavens and the earth. When we find ourselves being stifled, by others or even by our own self-doubt, we need to take a deep breath, reflect on how to learn from the setback, and move forward from where we are now.
Find the dream. Go for the Goal. Keep your eyes on the prize.
I agree wholeheartedly. Keep in mind that music is part science, part art. Some parts are logical and true, like proper breathing for example. The art part, ie. talent, is subjective. Take the observations people give you and weigh them against your own belief. Try to look at yourself as objectively as possible and consider these opinions; try new things and decide for yourself. No one is right 100% of the time. Just be open to it. There are many famous artists out there with stories similar to yours.
Don't give up on YOU.
Best wishes,
Remember, if there's a will, there's a way
And yes! The Diva in YOU is now speaking
I was wondering earlier today when you were going to re-emerge, dingo. We've missed you!
No more sulking! That is not allowed... If you get discouraged, come here and tell us about it. We're here for you!
As I said in my post "The Crud", there are bugs afloat in the world that try to stifle our voices. And sometimes these bugs try to bore into our minds and tell us it's no use... But that's a LIE!!!
Singing is medicine that helps to heal the soul... Divas, Raise up your voices and be heard!
Glad to hear from you again, dingo!