Greetings from the Great White North

Hello everyone. My name is Mitch. I'm from a small forestry gone tourist town in Northwestern Ontario. I'm a professional musician with a background in the guitar family and composition. I studied music performance and composition at graduate and post-graduate levels and I am a also a private music instructor. I own/operate a recording studio specializing in music/sound design for film and video game but also record music groups. I run a life insurance business in my end of the province that helps me fund my passion. When I'm not on the road working, in the studio tap dancing to films (foley), or teaching music I am rehearsing and gigging with my cover band The Whitecaps. 

The band is a three piece and I am the lead singer/guitarist. Although I have sang for many years in both popular and classical styles I have never been content with my voice - the tone, range or control of it. I do get compliments all the time but as a professional musician and an accomplished guitar player I am not able to let that fool me - I know my voice leaves a lot to be desired. As there are no vocal teachers in my area that I feel I can trust to lead me in the right direction I am taking a shot in the dark with Mr. Tamplin's course. I have a baritone voice type with chest voice range starting around F#2 (as low as D2-D#2 if I was just woke up :P) and extending in frequency to about F4 and I can comfortably sing in my head voice without falsetto D above middle C. After that I can squeak out up to F# above middle C but it's nothing I would use to perform with at this point.

My greatest struggle right now is singing between F#4 and A4. This transition point for me is really a terrible struggle to produce any beautiful sounds. Above that range I'm more at ease with a more robust sound and better control over enunciation. Because of this reason I am have to transpose most music I play in my top 40 style cover band - which in turn is creating a muddier mix with everything in the band sitting so low. I'd really love to get that part of my range under control so I can play closer to the original keys.

I'm very excited to make some serious progress!

You can hear my singing here (I consider these an honest presentation of my voice as they were recorded with minimal takes and there is no melodyne used)


That is all! :)


  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    I enjoyed your tunes and your voice.  I could hear a couple notes here and there that sounded like you went to falsetto, and not sure if you did it because you're uncomfortable with those notes, or if you did it that way just because you wanted to, but either way, they were all enjoyable to listen to.  I noticed it most in the Tom Petty tune "Last dance with Mary Jane..." section.  Most of the others would be noticeable if I were not actually listening for them.

    I'm sure you'll find this program will help you in many ways, too.  Even though I've been sick for many weeks with a cold and cough, I have still noticed differences in my singing and my voice.  Subtle changes here and there.  Time will tell...

  • PlamondonPlamondon Pro Posts: 5
    @rcrosier Thanks, bud. Falsetto was for the timbre in the Bruno Mars cover. Last dance was because of vocal inability. 

    Already half way through Volume 1 lessons and I've learned a tonne of useful information! It's the law! I guess Americans pronounce the word law differently than us Canucks. 
  • rcrosierrcrosier Pro Posts: 275
    @Plamondon:  (correction to my post... typo... I meant "Most of the others would NOT be noticeable..."  missed the word "not"...)

    I'm not sure if we do.  I would normally say LAW, as in L + "Aw, what a cute dog", but to me, it sounds like Ken is saying "Lah", like L + Ahh...

    But I'm in Vermont, so I'm almost in Canada anyways, at least many people think so...  :)

  • PlamondonPlamondon Pro Posts: 5
    I think we say it the same then :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hi, @Plamondon!

    I think you are going to find the KTVA methods to be the doorway to building your voice into more of the instrument you've been wanting it to become!

    It does take time, but it does work if you put in the time and the work!

    It's the Lah!  Ahh!

    Welcome Aboard!

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