
I've been singing in headvoice, just for a few months.
Before that I trained chest-voice heavily and can now reach Eb4 before flipping to head.
In this quick and short demo I'm singing in headvoice C#4 - E4.
/Thanx :-)
I've been singing in headvoice, just for a few months.
Before that I trained chest-voice heavily and can now reach Eb4 before flipping to head.
In this quick and short demo I'm singing in headvoice C#4 - E4.
- Is the tone ok in sound?
- Shall it be brighter/darker?
- To nasal or mouthy?
/Thanx :-)
Post a Lah exercise and we'll try to get these issues sorted out.
Ok, I'll do that. Try to stretch chest-voice even more. It took me three months to go from C4 at top to Eb4. I really don't know how to avoid flipping into head at E4 though... Any tip?
I'll create and upload a Lah-demo asap.
Well done for posting a demo. It's a big step.
You don't really have a command of the mods yet. Your pitch is ok and it sounds like you will have a great natural tone once you have built your voice. Still build your sound and range Via the super bright tone though (ping). This allows you to hear yourself way better ( pitch perception) and gives greater access to resonance. Once you find all those pockets where the notes sit, you are free to do whatever you wish but at the moment we are still in the building phase.
Support needs to be worked on. It sounds as if you have the belly breath part together, now you need to lean on that breath as we go up the arpeggios in order to grain control of the notes. If you are doing it right, it should mean the air is at a steady/slow even flow as you sing the notes. That will translate into a much more controlled and consistent sound.
There are so many analogies to describe the feeling of support but for me, it feels like I am leaning onto an inner beach ball (inner stomach) filled with air. And that leaning pressure mitigates the air flow.
There is no chance you are a bass. You just never learned how to get out of your speaking register. You'll be able to sing whatever you want once you build up.
Thank You for your input! Highly appreciated.
I tried again to keep bright Ah up to D4, and actually succeeded. (Instead of C4 earlier).
Further on I'll be much more consistent in using vowel Ah up to D4 , then lAUGHt from Eb4. Then hUg from F#4/G4. I will also try to get support in place as You described.
I thought I was base cause singing in range D2 - A3 is very comfortable for me. But that doesn't matter. I'm really dreaming of singing the money-notes (D4 --> ) as a walk in the park. :-)
I will now practice this ~1 zillion times ;-). After that I post another demo.
Thanx again :-)