Hello all! Professional guitar player, interested in learning how to sing.

jpyepezimcjpyepezimc Enrolled Posts: 13
edited June 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hi all, my name is JP. I am a professional guitar player, but I have always wanted to learn how to sing properly, and hopefully being able to perform tunes by myself sometime soon.

I am not really happy with the way I sound when I sing. I am beginning to try this method out, and I usually record myself to see what the results are. To be perfectly honest, I do not really know "what I'm trying to sound like", and I do not know how to transfer all this to actual singing. Hoping to figure it out eventually. I'll try to upload some examples soon, and if anyone can give me their opinion, I'll really appreciate it.

Looking forward to being an active part of the community, and if there's anything you need from a guitar player, just let me know and I'll try to help you out, too!

Best Answers

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Answer ✓

    Hi, JP!

    Glad to have you here!  Ken's method is certainly the best method for going from Zero to Sixty vocally.  I'm a musician who made a conscious choice to train myself to be a lead singer, as well.  I've tried a lot of methods, and I can tell you that KTVA works grrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!

    Give Ken's training program a go and you'll be very pleased to see how much your voice will grow!

    Welcome aboard!


  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    Answer ✓
    Welcome JP!

    Agreed with Bob haha. Also, have you purchased the KTVA program?
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Answer ✓
    Hey JP,

    Everyone has that problem when they first start the program.  Remember you have to crawl before you can walk.  Keep on watching the videos, and doing the workout, and you will see the technique creep into the songs.  It doesn't happen over night, but it does happen quickly.  all the best.
  • GuevaraGuevara Enrolled Posts: 140
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to KTVA jpyepezmic,

    Well most singers aren't truely happy with the way they sound when they first hear themselves played back, it takes some getting used too. But the good news is you have the program so things are gonna improve greatly.

    As for not knowing how you want to sound as a singer; well that's a process similar to finding your own personal sound as a guitarist; take as much inspiration you can from your favorite vocalists and combine it and add it (with moderation) to the sound of your own true voice and style then over time your true voice will reveal itself. And if you stick with the program your voice will develop into the best version of itself possible.

    And there are a lot of guitarists in the forum so you might well 

  • GuevaraGuevara Enrolled Posts: 140
    Answer ✓

    ... continuing on from where my last post was cut..... so you might well get some questions about guitar playing jp:-)

    All the best, Gary

  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Answer ✓

    Hi JP,

    Welcome to KTVA.

    We will do our best to help you on your vocal journey to be all you can be.

    The more time you are able to invest into your instrument (voice),  will directly reflect on the rate of gowth and understanding of how to make it work for you :-)

    There were some good answers and suggestions here.


  • GuevaraGuevara Enrolled Posts: 140
    Answer ✓

    Yes jp, you are right, self doubt is a huge problem for us singers. Have you watched Ken's excellent youtube video "Can anyone learn to sing"?  He talks about singers only being singers because they have the guts to get up there and do it.

    I know loads of people who have really good singing voices when singing along to random lines from songs on the radio, but just don't have what it takes to get up in front of a crowd of people and belt out a set of songs, and be consistantantly good from beginning to end; That takes balls, guts the right attitude.... and a lot of work/practice/rehearsal.

    Some people will love your voice, some will hate it and some will be indifferent to it; It's great to win poeple over that started out hating it or were indifferent to it, but you don't need to change your voice to something that you hope might be pleasing to their ears.

    Stay true to your own sound, get it sounding as awsome as you can for the level that you are currently at in the journey, and people will recognise that you can (to quote a very wise man) sing better than anyone else!!!




  • mivisonmivison Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 191
    Answer ✓
    i don't know if someone has already said so. but you should down load the webinars. ken talks about how to put the scales to songs in some o0f them.


  • jpyepezimcjpyepezimc Enrolled Posts: 13
    Hey all, thanks for your responses!
    Yeah, I already have it, and it's pretty great so far. I am just finding it a bit hard to transfer it to actual repertoire, haha.
  • jpyepezimcjpyepezimc Enrolled Posts: 13
    Hi, Guevara!

    Thanks for the help. It is funny how different the voice can be from every other instrument. Most of the time, I've seen how we struggle to find that voice on the guitar, and "having difficulties" at some point is all a big part of it, until we get better and we fix those issues. In vocals, however, it is easy to become stuck with it and to take it "personally". Unlike guitar players, who tend to think like "my sound/technique/vocabulary needs work", I've seen singers do quite the opposite, "my voice/tone/sound is not good enough", "am I even good for this?".

    So I'm trying to avoid falling into this trap, haha.

    And of course! I'll be glad to help out or share what I know about guitar with anyone in the community, gladly!

    Thanks again, Gary!


  • jpyepezimcjpyepezimc Enrolled Posts: 13
    Hi again Ken, and Gary,

    Thanks for your responses, I'll pay attention to everyone's advice. I am really enjoying this community so far, and I am learning a lot from the program. I'll keep you all posted, and please let me know if I can do anything at all to help you out, too.

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