Vocal Range

Hello, I am Diego, and I wanted to ask you guys a question,
How can I increase my vocal range, I know this is in one of Ken's videos already but I really want to know how you guys did it. (My range is somewhere in between F2-E4.) And I also want to know how to change my Chest voice to my Head voice easily, like it's nothing xD.
By the way, when will Ken be live again? You know.... Webinar..
I also want to practice some rasp, but am not really clear on how to do it without damaging my throat.
How can I increase my vocal range, I know this is in one of Ken's videos already but I really want to know how you guys did it. (My range is somewhere in between F2-E4.) And I also want to know how to change my Chest voice to my Head voice easily, like it's nothing xD.
By the way, when will Ken be live again? You know.... Webinar..
I also want to practice some rasp, but am not really clear on how to do it without damaging my throat.
Increasing the vocal range is done in large part by the process of "Stretching Chest Voice." When your chest voice is taken to higher notes, your voice becomes much more flexible in your choices as to how you can use it.
This can take considerable time and effort, but the results are well-worth the effort. Essentially, you practice singing scales that take you to the limits of your present range and stretch you a little each time. While you are doing this, you need to use all of the basic building blocks of the voice that Ken teaches. You can't really just "add range" without learning all about how to properly use your voice. The voice has to be treated as a "whole" system that is comprised of and manipulated by a whole range of techniques and right or wrong methods. But the "add range" part is essentially done through consistent practice while maintaining all of the other aspects of proper singing.
I don't think there is a date set just yet on the next webinar, but I'm pretty sure it won't be very long. Stay tuned. There will probably be an announcement in the near future.
I am 14 years old, so I have a lot of time to develop this instrument, I might post a video about my voice one day, but not anytime soon. xD. I am Honduran so it is very expensive to get the program unfortunately.
Thank you for the advice, I will be working on these scales, and I will put effort into these to see good results. What is the highest note a tenor can achieve? I am basically trying to use Ken's free videos for now, so I can practice the LAH. Scales. And trying to brighten up the tone a little bit with the ''IT'S THE LAH!'' Excercise. xD. It's a dream of mine to reach those high notes/ scream. They sound awfully hard and cool.
Ok, I will be ready for any live webinar
When did you start singing or at least practicing.
I can also mix below C5, but above C5 it's more comfortable to blend, and easier on the ears than chest only.
Sorry for all the questions
I start mixing at about Ab4
My goal is to be able to bring pure call register up to C#5, man, how awesome would that be.
Me too....
I want to be a KTVA pro one day xD. And a monster of a singer.
That is the goal.