Corey Taylor for kens YouTube

Hi @Ken Tamplin I would be interested to see your take on Corey Taylor's vocals and songs from slipknot or stone sour. It would be cool to see you do the heavy stuff as well as his lighter songs. (Devil in I, killpop, psychosocial etc.)
I also think it's worth noting that Ken specifically says that he's not the guy to come to if you're looking to learn to scream like that. It seems a bit unfair to ask the guy to cover a style he doesn't teach and is highly likely to lead to damage in the long-term.
I used to sing stuff like that when I was about 18 or 19 but I soon learned that there's a trade off between singing that way and actually developing your range, so I speak from experience rather than as a killjoy who doesn't get the appeal in that style. I was still using screams and crazy Mike Patton vocal stuff until I stopped singing a few years ago, so I can totally appreciate extreme vocal styles, however I don't think it's appropriate for people learning from Ken and the forum.
Edited to add: This was a kinda joke track I did years ago with some really screamy, crude vocals just so you know I'm not just being a boring old fart about the screaming...hahaha! (P.S. Don't read the lyrics if you're easily offended, they're very childish and explicit)