How do I practice with roommates?

Hi! My name is Zac from Jacksonville, FL and I have been playing guitar for 13 years (24 now) and finally wanted to get into singing. I loved Ken's youtube videos and decided to buy the course. I have roommates that jokingly make fun of my practicing (only on lesson 1) and other times they find it annoying because a lot of the beginning stuff is practicing the "AH" and "EE" sound. So how can I effectively practice when I can't be too loud?
I also have a really big room at work I can head to that has awesome acoustics reverb.
It must have been painful to listen to me at first no doubt, but I have noticed improvements. If it is important to you, you will find a way to get it done. Last night as I was walking along the street, going home from work, I did some singing... no-one was about but even if they were nothing was going to stop me
I am sure your roommates also have their things that get in the way or maybe a bit annoying so they can deal... it's part of having roomies... you know you have to give and take a bit.
I hope that helps.
The problem with limiting your voice when practicing is that you usually end up compromising the voice to where the workout is doing very little, and maybe even do more harm than good. For example not singing the LAH scale with enough brightness or using too much air to try and soften and lower the sound; that kind of thing.
I know this because I have often tried to practice when I have been away with family, which has led to me straining the voice because I was too awkward or embarrassed to work out the way I wanted and needed too.
Try to find a place alone, where you can workout freely and without stress. For me it is going into my car, for you, it might be an attic. Whatever it is, don't compromise your workout because of what others say. Just practice away and then become a rock star and sell a million copies. Then tell them to make fun of your practicing as you wave your gold plated albums in their face
Best of luck!
You learn to ignore this and just take a certain amount of practice time, use it and own it.
Sing into a pillow
Sing in your car (but PARK somewhere lol, this stuff needs your attention)
Practice scales (and songs) just doing the lip roll and the tongue exercise. The volume is always lower for me on these exercises than the rest. This has actually been gold for me regardless, because these exercises teach me about managing my air and keeping my throat open.
Put some headphones on and go. That's not ideal - for me, I want to practice with the air pressure of the room versus the phones - but there's this weird psychological effect that happens. When you can't hear anything but the scales or the music playing in your ears, it's almost easy to forget anyone else is around.
Don't give up though, there should be some common ground to find between all of you.
Perhaps they make some noise themselves now and then? Then maybe you could at least schedule a few hours per week at home, and do the rest in your car.
Had the same problem (yes my wife was really nerved in the beginning) so I bought myself the IsoVox 2, some kind of a cabin for the head:
Pretty expensive IMHO, but cheaper than a "real" sound cabin.
It's damping a lot, but not perfectly. I'm looking forward to combine it with the beltbox, will report when it's shipped.
And yes, I tried a pillow inside the IsoVox, but that's not an option for me because you have to hold it all the time giving me tension in my shoulders. And you know what Ken tells us: no tension, right :-)
I myself don't like when someone is hearing me sing at home. I live in the building in small apartment in my own room. I have neighbours. During last several years they knocked into the wall when I was warming up on EEE sound.
I was very embarrassed. Sometimes I shout rock wearing headphones, so I can imagine how much scream they have to listen sometimes. However I have to sing - it's more important. So i do it despite on anything. I stop singing about 23.00 - that's Russian law, we can't be noisy after that time. I have a dream to have my own sound isolation studio!
I tried now the IsoVox2 in combination with the beltbox, and it's pretty well damping the sound. No one hears me any more, even when sleeping in neighboring rooms.
The downside: This beltbox feels pretty "uncomfortable" in front of your mouth, and not all exercises can be done with ease. And, of course, you cannot inspect your uvula while practicing the "AAH".
Anyway, this combination works for me, and I can even practice after 23:00 ;-)
Your roomates may be joking, but it does take some courage to push forward- the distraction may be a good practice. Unless they are really annoyed, I would just focus on what you are doing. They won't be laughing long.