Can't seem to hit this note, voice is way off

Hey guys, as an avid DCFC fan, I decided to finally learn to sing Follow you into the dark. But on the third verse, I can't tell if Ben goes into head, falsetto or what. I always run out of breath, or cant seem to match when he sings "rooms". I know it's an OOH vowel but I just cant seem to get it. Often times, my voice almost gives this vibrating sound, or just sounds plain trashy. I dont have a problem with the rest of the song, just this one note. Help ?
Sounds like it's an F4 sung in head voice.
Some folks need to shift to head around E4, and if you try to sing it in chest you could just be forcing the note. You may just be splatting on that note when you need to release into head. Falsetto would involve too much air, and that's not what I hear on the original recording.
If you like, post a link of you doing that line and we can do more than guess. :^)