Looking for Feedback please - Garth Brooks Learning to Live Again

Well I thought it was time I actually sang some songs and figure out what I need to do to improve. I have been mostly singing along with artists and avoiding singing solo without accompaniment for a long time. It seems like whenever I sing solo it's terrible in comparison. Here is a Garth Brooks song I sang recently. Makes sense that if I want to sing better I will have to listen to what I sound like and work on it. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated. Give it to me straight, I can take it.

You may want to look into some pitch software to help you to see visually when you are sharp or flat, so you can better learn to recognize it on the fly, and so that you can learn to try to correct it on the fly, as well.
There are a number of free downloads or trial downloads on pitch software that can help you to train your ear and your voice to get you more in-tune.
Sing and See is a program that will let you download a free 30 day trial. It has a virtual piano, so you can click on various notes and try to match them with your voice. It has a real-time display that you can watch as you tune your voice up or down to try to match the pitch. That can help you to learn to become more accurate with your pitch. It takes practice.
There are other programs out there that can help, and many are free.