Home Vocal Health and Wellness

Vocal folds paresis

ArtickusArtickus 2.0 PRO Posts: 66
edited July 2017 in Vocal Health and Wellness
ALERT - don't watch the video if you are easily disgusted.

Vocal folds paresis - had been a reason for me out of singing and this forum for a long time. And my Band's album is out today, it was delayed because of this.

My post will be dedicated to the treatment of this particular problem in mine region of the world.

Hey, guys. I had a trouble that struck me hard around the time I started doing the course. The trouble is called paresis of the vocal cords, I have the trouble with the left side. Actually, as you can see the muscle itself it turned around a bit and one side is not working that makes me unable to sing and voice get tired even when you talk really quick cause folds are not closing in (it stands in half ready position and it is bearly moving). I do special treatment and exercises I can describe later and use some special stuff on my folds but the progress is merely visible.

The issue could be caused by many reasons - neurologic damage of some nerves, strained nerves(muscles) in the neck area, the infection that led to this, or some post-traumatic conditions might be caused by the shelling concussionіns I have got, but the cause only revealed itself now...

My folds were not closing up properly that cause me to have a range of 0,5 octave and only inside my basic talking range + talking become harder, not to say about singing, I could not do it for more than 10 minutes, was tiring fast and become really frustrated, I had to backup.

Paresis itself


I have managed to overcome this issue withing 4 months of struggle and I'm singing already.

So to say here is the video of me singing now, after I recovered, my voice is still not back into the full shape, but I'm working and gaining it back step by step.


For everyone who doubts Ken's course, believe me - You will not find anything so good, so structured and so natural to boost your voice up, do not even try. I was convinced and manage to understand even better while going thru this struggle and all the procedures - Ken shows the REAL natural way, I can sign under every word he says, and it has real medical approvement.
I have been treated in voice Phoniatrics Treatment & Research Institute and the best vocal folds treatment is the right singing and training voice, and that is what Ken Tampling course giving you.

If anyone has similar troubles or facing similar issue I'm always ready to assist you.

P.S. If you are interested here is band's album https://timeshadow.bandcamp.com/


  • Claude77Claude77 Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 213
    Hey Man,
    I did not realize your story since I got a chance to read this.
    Well my big respect for you and what you have done.
    That's great and the results you are getting are incredible since you faced the paresis.
    You are a model for all of us and by the way you sound really great.
    I listened to your video here and they sound really great.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    What a story, Artickus! All the Best with your continued recovery!

  • ArtickusArtickus 2.0 PRO Posts: 66
    edited December 2017
    Thanks, mate!
    It was a real hit in the face with the rock, but it's all about getting up again and doing what you feel you want to do :)

    Thanks, Ken's course is really medically approved as it was in my case as it was confirmed by phoniatric specialists from the research/treatment institute of vocal problems.
    They, of course, had the different special treatment exercises to recover but the back idea is the same, they said - " A proper vocal workout is your best treatment, if you are doing it in the proper way there is no way to lose your voice", so shout out to our master @Ken Tamplin as always \m/

  • michaelr_101michaelr_101 Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 1
    Were there any specific exercises you focused on within the course? I have both courses and have lately had some physical issues with my voice, so I was wondering what you concentrated on to help the repair.
  • ArtickusArtickus 2.0 PRO Posts: 66
    edited March 2018

    Hey, yes, I specifically worked on easiest exercises (Volume one) was constantly doing the basics, before I came back to working out with the course. Audio Workout Section 1 and the first portion of videos. Was not doing anything else except this for like 1 month, before started trying to sing anything and proceed with the course

    Work a lot on the mask to relax the folds and let the sound flow be really smooth and easy. If you have folds closure problems (leaving a gap not closing in time, etc) - this is always heard in "eee" sounds where your "eee" becomes vibrated, distorted have additional sounds in it, when working on "eee" smile as much to the sound as you can and make it as nasal as possible to release all the tension from folds and have air support.
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