Is a one on one lesson the best way to go?

My voice is so messed up! Sometimes I am losing the faith, it is so depressing. I have had bronchitis every winter for a few years now every winter, complete with a body shaking cough. It is obvious to me at this point that something is damaged. Its not even that I have just good days and bad days but decent, ok days and terrible, "what the heck is going on?" days. I used to be able to sing quietly. I used to have strength and quite a range. Now I never know what I'm going to get from practice/warm up and worse from gig to gig. I've been working with the KTVA course for some months now and still I have no consistency with my voice. HELP!
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
If you have been following the instructions in the course and you're still having problems, then yes. You should consult with Ken in some one-on-ones.
Most students are able to get quite a bit of consistency from working the course and asking questions here on the forums. Ken can most certainly listen to you and give you some razor-sharp feedback and instructions. It's up to you to follow-through and do what he advises. Seasonal illnesses can take a toll, and many of them leave us with residual range losses and the like that we have to work for some time to get to a full recovery.
But a full, regular, faithful application of Ken's exercises and recommendations has proved quite effective for me and many other students here. Ken's course isn't a menu item where you select what advice you do and don't want to follow. If you stick to your old habits and just try to extend your range without fully embracing Ken's actual program, you will not get the results you would otherwise reap. Following his instructions is normally more than sufficient. If you have actual vocal damage, you may need specific rehabilitative vocal care.
You should be progressing and exceeding your limitations the longer you keep doing Ken's program. You should have more strength than ever, and if you've gone through volume 3 and actually followed the instructions, you should have learned how to avoid going hoarse, how to cut back the volume, how to sing with distortion that does not wear your voice out...
You should book a session with Ken and talk to him about this, show him what's up with your voice. Make sure you let him know that this is about issues you feel you are having with your voice that you want his help to resolve.
So what did you do? How are you progressing?