Always bon jovi horrible demo Plss HELP MY MIXED VOICE

New reply on "Plss help ..My mixed voice doesnt sound very good everytime I pass my break point.. even though I put some open vowels, neutral larynx, soft palate coordination, compression and breath support I still got this very little raspy sound not a good distortion but it sounds like a dying pig getting beaten .. it sounds very chesty, strong, powerful and loud but the problem is .. it sounds awful sounds terrible when I go past my break point E4.."
Listen to Always bon jovi Demo by Ej Pambid #np on #SoundCloud
Listen to Always bon jovi Demo by Ej Pambid #np on #SoundCloud
your break point should be around F# not E, because of your voice color, you sound like a tenor, but you aren´t trained to make the transition later, so I would start from there, you need more support, so im gonna post you a video from Ken explaining this, you should start doing it every day
you aren´t maintaining open throat, it doesn´t matter if you do open vowels, because you reset them every time you use a closed vowel, this means you aren´t using open throat
your voice is trembling because you dont have support
you lack brightness in the verse and support
the brightness of the sound you are making on the chorus is bright enough, but it coming because you arent maintaining the open throat so it becomes nasal, but it doesnt work if you dont keep it open, and supported, you should maintain it the whole chorus, but you are reseting it the whole time, and that doesnt help for the voice,
plus you are over pronouncing the consonants
as you can see it´s a lot of work It´s basically the whole KTVA program which I highly recommend you to buy
for now im gonna leave you with this so you start working on your support
very nice that you share your story. Good to read, that Ken's free videos helped you so much. Maybe you want to share a new demo?