Vocal Recovery

I had a fever yesterday. My body temp was around 101°F and my voice was fine. But this morning when i woke up, I couldn't even speak. Sore throat and mucus in my throat. Then I successfully clear out the mucus tht's preventing me from speaking. My voice returns but I just know tht something is wrong with it. My lower register sounds good but once i reach around A3 or B3 I sound not airy but squeaky and just not right. I have a cough too. Is it something serious or something tht will recover over time?
That was me on gig day, last Friday. Started out with no voice. Second set could sing a little bit of Background vocals.
By third set, I was doing a little bit of lead vocal, after flame-throwing oil of oregano directly on my cords. That stuff did the trick, but it's really hot stuff. Been doing a bit of liposomal vitamin C, and KickAss Immune therapy, along with a steamer with tea tree oil on the side.
But my voice still hasn't fully recovered. Some of these things just take time. The virus or infection gets set in deeply, and has to run a course. In the meantime, we suffer being taken down a few notches, waiting on a full recovery.
I have ok days and bad days... but it certainly has nuked my high end from orbit.
I basically am back to the vocal range of month 6-8 :-(
I sure hope I go back to my hard-won range after this gets out of my system
Do hot peppers cause damage to the vocal cords? That seems to work when I'm really stuffy.
The oil of oregano is very spicy-hot, but it was just what my cords needed to jump-start them at the gig. Flame-broiled my throat and I was ready to sing without gunk.
Peace, Tony
A thought that might help