Bandhub continues to offer me different vocal challenges. This time, teaming up with 2 other fellow Canadians on bass & drums, an Argentinian on lead guitars and a dude from the US who can play the keys like nobody's business. We're goin' a bit old school on this one 1975 - the band had a young David Coverdale at the mic accompanied by Glenn Hughes... I tried my best to do the song justice on vocals. Do let me know what you think! Peace and Rock On! :-)
I'll be re-recording it soon, taking @highmtn's advice he gave me back then. I'm swamped with school atm, writing my bachelors thesis, so not much time for singing atm.
I had the great fortune of hooking up with a very talented keyboard player as well as another collaborator who pitched in to do harmony vocals on an original song of mine at BandHub. I wrote this song in the mid '90s with a heavy, grungy feel to it, but what Tony (on keyboards) was able to contribute to the song of his own imagination, has made the song, in my opinion, all the more special to me. He even does a bass line on his keys - simulating a fretless bass. Pretty cool! The name of the tune is "Diabolical'.
The inspiration of the song occurred when I read a magazine article some time in '95 or '96 about babies who died not long after being born because their mothers were addicted to some heavy narcotics. The song's lyrics is the mother's conscience speaking to her after her child passed away, and she decides to take one more (fatal) hit. By the song's end, she ends up overdosing and 'moving on'. Sorry, I know it's no 'Shiny Happy People' or 'We Are The World' hehe - but, this is one of my originals which has had, ironically, some new life breathed into it - thanks to some of my BandHub friends.
Any comments/feedback, always welcome and appreciated!
That's amazing what can be done by people who never even meet in real-life or real-time, yet they become a virtual band... It sounds good musically, but such a dreary theme!
@highmtn Cheers, Bob! I totally agree - on all counts.. Bandhub makes it possible to avoid having to go out to bars and drag all of our gear around if all we really wanna do is spend time practicing and collaborating with others. Maybe one day you'd like to give Bandhub a one-over? :-) There are always some collaborations looking for some skilled drummers!
And yes, the theme is rather dreary. However, I find music creation as a good outlet for something which angers/frustrates us. I was really mad when I read the article, and it immediately led me to pen some lyrics and develop the song from it.
Thanks for having a listen!
(I think the shiny people are all making millions of dollars right now ...somewhere )
MAIDEN FANS!! You need to listen to this cover version of "Wasted Years". Here I pay tribute to Iron Maiden by singing alongside an instrumental track, and I showcase my voice. Check it out, share it, like it, and comment!
I have been working on my acoustic set for the last few months. Im a big AIC fan its about zen meditation and enlightenment and self introspection. Here is a performance my original song I recorded just now:
LYRICS: VERSE 1 Have I become the person I never thought would be Found all these paths in this sleep Eyes of age just like abyss Ive known of I open the doors to let this good haze come in, so come in CHORUS: Freely flows in through the mind Never what I thought I could be Can the good things flow in through your mind Yes if you just let them be, LET THEM BE VERSE 2 Found all these paths to what I despise Fell into my big demise Sound leaves, darkness enters Life Id known disappeared My soul becomes when I was like a child BRIDGE Enters my time again This cloud I cannot deny Shames my tries, but still they lie, again and again and again Enters my time again
This is another successful original song I collaborated on with others at Bandhub. I play some percussion, rhythm guitar and sing main vocals. Ian from the US does lead guitar and harmonies, and 'Emicranio' from Germany adds some smart bass touches. The tune is called 'The No-Thing Song'. 10 people may hear it and interpret it 10 different ways.. What do 'you' think?
@everdrone I like your original song for several reasons. First off, lyrically, it's along similar lines of what I'm into and what I like to write about as well. Second, I'm also a big AIC fan. It's too bad Layne was more into the heroin and less into the meditation and spiritual side of life. He could possibly still be around if he'd put the needle down and saw life from a different light... Finally, hearing your guitar playing made me really miss my Ovation I had about 10 years ago. Am I right in saying that you're playing an Ovation, too? They are one of my favourites to use, although I use some Asian Takamine model now - I find it can never quite compare to the sound and feel I got from an Ovation. Btw, have you ever thought of getting onto Bandhub and collaborating with other musicians? You might find it to be quite fun and rewarding? Great song, again! Peace, Johan
Thanks Johan, Rock on!!! I like my Ovation, I am gonna try some new strings for my next recording. I have not looked into bandhub yet, that sounds cool, thank you Not sure where my post went and cannot find it so Ill just put it below here:
I have been working on my acoustic set for the last few months. Im a big AIC fan its about zen meditation and enlightenment and self introspection. Here is a performance my original song I recorded just now:
LYRICS: VERSE 1 Have I become the person I never thought would be Found all these paths in this sleep Eyes of age just like abyss Ive known of I open the doors to let this good haze come in, so come in CHORUS: Freely flows in through the mind Never what I thought I could be Can the good things flow in through your mind Yes if you just let them be, LET THEM BE VERSE 2 Found all these paths to what I despise Fell into my big demise Sound leaves, darkness enters Life Id known disappeared My soul becomes when I was like a child BRIDGE Enters my time again This cloud I cannot deny Shames my tries, but still they lie, again and again and again Enters my time again
@everdrone You're welcome! If you do get the chance to sign up to Bandhub, my screen name is Soulstoked. Perhaps we could work on some tunes together? I've met some terrific musicians there who can play a wide variety of stuff! We're in the process of finishing 'It Ain't Like That'. I think you may be familiar with that one
Yeah... where did your post go??? It must'a flown away on one of those magic carpets, eh? :-)
(...or maybe it suddenly entered Nirvana and extinguished itself? haha)
thanks brutha! soulstoked, cool. Ill get on top of that. I am mainly a guitarist in a doom band and am going to collaborate with my band at our jam room today but I want to collaborate more. I see my post dissapeared again! Ill just post without the youtube link, maybe then it wont move. I would figure moderators would let me know if they moved my posts, I cant find them.
@everdrone Great! It would be sweet to hook up with other KTVA'ers over there! Oh and hmmm... I think what @SteveK said is true for me, too. I hadn't scrolled up yesterday when you mentioned your post disappearing, but it's actually still there as well as the second one..
I think that option only presents itself when you are doing a new posting. I don't know if it would apply to this one.
It sounds like there are a few seeing this symptom. On the other hand, it may be a browser thing, or even a Windows 9 or 10 thing. Windows 10 is making me crazy with regard to videos. It does all sorts of things that never happened before.
I see all of the posts, including the multiple ones where the poster says they don't see their original post. You might try downloading a different browser and see if your posts then appear for you.
I wrote and recorded a song just now in under 30 minutes, I want you to hear it, all one-take-wonders. maybe you will "feel" high iif you listen to it, I do mention "acid". I am always wanting constructive criticism of course, as I am a musician. I tapped on my acoustic to make drums. Please click here: Here are the lyrics: In all my time its never been easy never been clear I keep on trucking, the only way I know, you know me It’s a dream my life Im so amazed, surreal landscape unfolds The beauty of it all in the now, I still turn the page Cause when I look to the future Im still in the now Im in the now While I turn the page My life moves toward creation, like being on acid Shiny and luscious landscape of colors explode into my mind The shapes and forms move, some will align and some fall by the wayside I know my goal I know who I am, that much Im clear, to you Its never been easy, every cowboy sings that same same song Trust me I love my life and every moment is beautiful and clear
@everdrone I can here you emphasize the acidic colors. You enjoy your hard core sound. But as I stated it is a little much for me. And I was never on acid lol. Unfortunately we all know how school is we have to follow the rules. Support has been a big misunderstanding for me but I think maybe I am getting a handle on it. How's about me and you make a lah exercise from volume 1 and do it as bright as possible with no distortion. That way it will be easy to here how we are supporting or not. Do you take the challenge? And it is due next weekend no winners or losers just honest feedback from @highmtn ...
cool bro I do the KTVA workout every day for 1+ hour. Here is my video of the "la" exercise since you did not say which of the la exercises:
@everdrone ty for putting it out there. I think I'm in trouble now but as promised I will put one up by next week or sooner. I needed a good challenge. I did wonder though if you had a clean voice. You love your ruff voice.
Dude, you're in trouble now! Everdrone scores big on pitch, tongue position, and support. Could make the tone a little brighter, a bit less airy. Good show.
The gauntlet has been thrown.
Good job, @everdrone. And yes, that was the correct scale.
ne1 know where video web camera program saves files. dang im gonna have to use another program. that i can find my video. sorry @everdrone i will do tomorrow:(
Run DMC challenge lol rap battlez... I am incorporating the great suggestions, trying to do less air and more bright tone and made a video of me singing clean for proof that I can sing clean for SteveK dont leave me hanging bro, I passed you the ball and you broke my assist! lol j/k anyway Here it is, Stone Temple Pilots "Days of the Week":
nice singing bud cool stuff. I dig the bboy hat to the back too for the lolz!
Inspiring stuff. I have some hangups on some lessons and folks here are pretty awesome, so I plan to make more videos and not just post only in this thread and the distortion forum room. keep up the good work dude! I would like to hear you sing a song too.
@everdrone, your technique on this tune sounds really good. You're showing off a part of your voice that is often buried in the mix.
@SteveK, the grin on your face as you were attempting to pommel everdrone was worth the price of admission. Not bad. You're improving, dude. I think we're somewhere in the middle of the rap battle, where each side is firing a few volleys at the other, and neither is flinching.
Awe we both know I got a lot of pitch work. Especially since just doing the lah exercise like 4 or 5 times takes a lot out of me. I think besides strength stamina I need to work hard at incorporating the vowel mods. But it's a slow and steady process. My wife was able to hear the videos I made the difference in the brighter timbre. I think I finally training her to be my helper!!
thanks for the listen, I am glad to hear this I was wondering if it was covered sounding or not, I was going for a bright tone and know that you dont have to have your mouth wide open the whole song but I hear it going a little flat in places but that is to be expected since Ive been singing for only a year so I am thinking I could improve some with time.
@everdrone The tone is actually nice, and not too covered. The mouth doesn't have to be totally wide open all the time. It's best to train that way initially, so that you build good habits that will stay with you and improve your tone. This has a good, natural sound and placement.
cool Romeo outfit STeveK, good stuff! I wanna see you do a duet with your Juliet! but really I do wanna see you sing a song. to keep our rap battles going, I recorded another clean singing song tonight called "Lady Picture Show" by Stone Temple Pilots:
@everdrone nice work dude. For you since your challenging me for more. I'll come up with something soon. Can I borrow your clean buzz?? Your killing it dude.
For some reason, on this song you sound a little under-pitch, especially on the F4's that are dominant on this song. It could be because you are so used to singing with headphones on or some such thing, but I've listened to tons of your recordings and haven't heard that kind of a pitch issue before in your voice.
F4 IS near the top of a lot of male singers' chest range, but I'm not so sure that that's what's going on here. I thinks it's probably a monitoring thing in this case.
I don't know if you were using a click track, either, but it seemed that the tempo was a little up and down from place to place.
Those two items seemed to be important to me as I gave this a listen.
very cool! I liked that it was all live, very impressive. hard to get all that equipment and folks to be down for the cause sometimes too. I agree with the pitch being flat and not not sharp. if you use melodyne you would see its not gridding out on most notes, some type of monitoring thing probably since you have lots of other recordings not doing that.
@everdrone song in progress. i do know i had no support at the beginning. and the whole song in general needs brighter. just wanted to share. maybe get some tips along the way.
cool bro! constructive criticism is always a good thing!
Good stuff!!! famous song there. ya, really bare down and push really hard on your diaphram. My opinion on pitch is that it comes with time, like thousands of hours when you get really good. Ive got a few hundred hours, only 1 year of singing for me so I got a ways to go to get great pitch. I would prolly pick a song next to cover that jumps around less and stays on notes longer. You have the essence of the song for sure, nice vibrato! good musicianship. do you play other instruments? If so I think it is helping.
I recorded a song tonight as well, a Queens of the Stone Age cover called "In My Head":
@everdrone I have things you play music on like a guitar and a keyboard but I don't have much knowledge to play them. So there, there gathering cob webs.
Hey guys! There's some great stuff in this thread here, I always like to come back and listen to what you're all doing, keep it up!
I was productive too, I just finished my latest cover, this time a friend of mine played the guitar/bass parts. Thanks for watching and let me know what you think!
Sounds good. Your voice is starting to get a nice consistency, character... The sound is beginning to maturate. Be careful with your distortion to avoid overblowing your cords. Good work.
Today I finished mixing my original tune called "VORTEX MIND" where I do all singing, guitars and bass:
VORTEX MIND LYRICS In my time you will see You have forsaken me You buried me with lies Blind me with vacant eyes Can you fight, to save your self Paralyzed inside your lies Your chains are binding you down your vortex mind left you blind Now that your thoughts have paralyzed Inside your spinning head dreams die I tried to save you from your mind Buried deep with your thousand lies
Thanks Steve. Guilty as charged on the John Denver point.
I enjoyed your performance on each of the tunes. You are in a good place vocally.
Thanks Bob. Appreciate it.
[Updated 2/23]
Awesome Track, nice job on the vocals. Are you doing all the vocal parts?
Here is a link to my music - please let me know what you think!
Sounds pretty decent.
I'm swamped with school atm, writing my bachelors thesis, so not much time for singing atm.
The inspiration of the song occurred when I read a magazine article some time in '95 or '96 about babies who died not long after being born because their mothers were addicted to some heavy narcotics. The song's lyrics is the mother's conscience speaking to her after her child passed away, and she decides to take one more (fatal) hit. By the song's end, she ends up overdosing and 'moving on'. Sorry, I know it's no 'Shiny Happy People' or 'We Are The World' hehe - but, this is one of my originals which has had, ironically, some new life breathed into it - thanks to some of my BandHub friends.
Any comments/feedback, always welcome and appreciated!
Your post did show up twice, so I removed the second copy.
Two thumbs up on these songs, dude. With goosebumps.
You Rock.
Ah!! Where are all the shiny people?
And yes, the theme is rather dreary. However, I find music creation as a good outlet for something which angers/frustrates us. I was really mad when I read the article, and it immediately led me to pen some lyrics and develop the song from it.
Thanks for having a listen!
(I think the shiny people are all making millions of dollars right now ...somewhere
Nice job on this one.
How is it?
Nice first note! Good job, throughout. The last loud scream seemed a tad sharp, but as a whole, this is really getting pretty good.
Have I become the person I never thought would be
Found all these paths in this sleep
Eyes of age just like abyss Ive known of
I open the doors to let this good haze come in, so come in
Freely flows in through the mind
Never what I thought I could be
Can the good things flow in through your mind
Yes if you just let them be, LET THEM BE
Found all these paths to what I despise
Fell into my big demise
Sound leaves, darkness enters
Life Id known disappeared
My soul becomes when I was like a child
Enters my time again
This cloud I cannot deny
Shames my tries, but still they lie, again and again and again
Enters my time again
Any feedback & comments always welcome :-)
Could you possibly shed a little more light on the subject?
I have been working on my acoustic set for the last few months. Im a big AIC fan
Have I become the person I never thought would be
Found all these paths in this sleep
Eyes of age just like abyss Ive known of
I open the doors to let this good haze come in, so come in
Freely flows in through the mind
Never what I thought I could be
Can the good things flow in through your mind
Yes if you just let them be, LET THEM BE
Found all these paths to what I despise
Fell into my big demise
Sound leaves, darkness enters
Life Id known disappeared
My soul becomes when I was like a child
Enters my time again
This cloud I cannot deny
Shames my tries, but still they lie, again and again and again
Enters my time again
The 'man cave' has an ironic lighting arrangement :-)
Yeah... where did your post go??? It must'a flown away on one of those magic carpets, eh? :-)
(...or maybe it suddenly entered Nirvana and extinguished itself? haha)
thanks for the heads up about my prior posts. I cannot see ANY of them for the life of me but I wont repost them a third time lol
Now i will relly post my video on this forum.
I think that option only presents itself when you are doing a new posting. I don't know if it would apply to this one.
It sounds like there are a few seeing this symptom. On the other hand, it may be a browser thing, or even a Windows 9 or 10 thing. Windows 10 is making me crazy with regard to videos. It does all sorts of things that never happened before.
Please click here:
Here are the lyrics: In all my time its never been easy never been clear
I keep on trucking, the only way I know, you know me
It’s a dream my life Im so amazed, surreal landscape unfolds
The beauty of it all in the now, I still turn the page
Cause when I look to the future
Im still in the now
Im in the now
While I turn the page
My life moves toward creation, like being on acid
Shiny and luscious landscape of colors explode into my mind
The shapes and forms move, some will align and some fall by the wayside
I know my goal I know who I am, that much Im clear, to you
Its never been easy, every cowboy sings that same same song
Trust me I love my life and every moment is beautiful and clear
Let's sing together.....
I'd hate to read the follow up post:
"The challenge has been postponed indefinitely on account of a hernia and a pulled ass."
Dude, you're in trouble now! Everdrone scores big on pitch, tongue position, and support. Could make the tone a little brighter, a bit less airy. Good show.
The gauntlet has been thrown.
Good job, @everdrone. And yes, that was the correct scale.
Next up, @SteveK, aka, "The Challenger".
Today I sang a song called Vortex Mind, I wrote the guitars/bass and programmed drums and our singer helped make some edits to my lyrics:
In my time you will see
You have forsaken me
You buried me with lies
Blind me with vacant eyes
Can you fight, to save your self
Paralyzed inside your lies
Your chains are binding you down
your vortex mind left you blind
Now that your thoughts have paralyzed
Inside your spinning head dreams die
I tried to save you from your mind
Buried deep with your thousand lies
Hope it works. Enjoy...............
Inspiring stuff. I have some hangups on some lessons and folks here are pretty awesome, so I plan to make more videos and not just post only in this thread and the distortion forum room. keep up the good work dude! I would like to hear you sing a song too.
@SteveK, the grin on your face as you were attempting to pommel everdrone was worth the price of admission. Not bad. You're improving, dude. I think we're somewhere in the middle of the rap battle, where each side is firing a few volleys at the other, and neither is flinching.
The tone is actually nice, and not too covered. The mouth doesn't have to be totally wide open all the time. It's best to train that way initially, so that you build good habits that will stay with you and improve your tone. This has a good, natural sound and placement.
You're giving @bigbrother a run for his money, too. But, he has satin and capes. Tough competition...
Thanks for the chuckles, and keep up the good work. Better every day!
Let those arms hang slack there, bro! Hunker down on that beach ball!
Your tone on the G#4 is superb! Nice job cutting back the weight. You're modding the "EE" ever-so-slightly with eh to keep the note from splatting.
For some reason, on this song you sound a little under-pitch, especially on the F4's that are dominant on this song. It could be because you are so used to singing with headphones on or some such thing, but I've listened to tons of your recordings and haven't heard that kind of a pitch issue before in your voice.
F4 IS near the top of a lot of male singers' chest range, but I'm not so sure that that's what's going on here. I thinks it's probably a monitoring thing in this case.
I don't know if you were using a click track, either, but it seemed that the tempo was a little up and down from place to place.
Those two items seemed to be important to me as I gave this a listen.
Thanks for letting us listen-in!
Good stuff!!! famous song there. ya, really bare down and push really hard on your diaphram. My opinion on pitch is that it comes with time, like thousands of hours when you get really good. Ive got a few hundred hours, only 1 year of singing for me so I got a ways to go to get great pitch. I would prolly pick a song next to cover that jumps around less and stays on notes longer. You have the essence of the song for sure, nice vibrato! good musicianship. do you play other instruments? If so I think it is helping.
I recorded a song tonight as well, a Queens of the Stone Age cover called "In My Head":
There's some great stuff in this thread here, I always like to come back and listen to what you're all doing, keep it up!
I was productive too, I just finished my latest cover, this time a friend of mine played the guitar/bass parts. Thanks for watching and let me know what you think!
Sounds good. Your voice is starting to get a nice consistency, character...
The sound is beginning to maturate. Be careful with your distortion to avoid overblowing your cords. Good work.
Musicians from Argentina (Guitars), USA (Drums), England (Bass) & me in China (from Canada) - vocals
[Federico Roura; Dallas WIlliam; Jungle Jim] --
Turn it LOUD & Enjoy!
Today I finished mixing my original tune called "VORTEX MIND" where I do all singing, guitars and bass:
In my time you will see
You have forsaken me
You buried me with lies
Blind me with vacant eyes
Can you fight, to save your self
Paralyzed inside your lies
Your chains are binding you down
your vortex mind left you blind
Now that your thoughts have paralyzed
Inside your spinning head dreams die
I tried to save you from your mind
Buried deep with your thousand lies