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Century theator/Aurora Co.

jimiwaynejimiwayne Enrolled Posts: 21
edited July 2012 in Off Topic
Hello KTVA forum,
I would like to ask everyone to keep the victims of that tragedy, their families and friends in mind and in prayer. Some of those kids attended my college and I've spoken with some of their teachers and the pain of there loss is tremendous. Often, I am consumed of one thing, or focused totally on self, learning, or my own discharge of daily duties. I believe that we build more texture to life through helping the world around us. We must be prepared to give.

Best Regards
Jimi Wayne


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited July 2012


    This unspeakable tragedy leaves us all speechless.  This has been something that cannot be fathomed, and only prayer and sympathy can help with the pain and loss.  This community is not far from Columbine where yet another senseless violent act took place.

    My own community was hit like this, when Kip Kinkle attacked his schoolmates here at the Thurston High School shootings.  One of my workmates used to drive Kip Kinkle to his soccer games along with his son. I remember listening to the radio as fellow employees raced over to the school to see if their children were among the victims.  My wife worked at the emergency room where the victims were brought. 

    The evil one has his followers in this world.  He will be defeated, but it is a war, and we must Stand against him, and give love and comfort to the victims. 

    I understand the pain and loss that your community is going through.  There are prayers going up around the world on behalf of the victims and their families.


  • jimiwaynejimiwayne Enrolled Posts: 21
    Thanks Bob. Your words are genuine and certainly well placed. Thank you for your prayers.
  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    Agreed. May our prayers reach every one of their souls.
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