
Hi Guys

Hi Guys! My name is Vince, I'm 23 years old and an incoming med school freshman from the Philippines. I tried the 'free lessons' from youtube and they worked like magic! And then I thought, "if the youtube tutorials work, what more will the actual course do for me?" and so I'm here! I've got many reasons for wanting to sing better than how I can now, but my main reasons as of the moment are:

1. To audition for my med school's choir (they also perform internationally) and to be one of their soloists.
2. The College of Rehabilitation Sciences in my future school is always winning the singing category of the annual "talent nights", and College of Medicine is always first runner up. I hope to be the one to change that when I become an official COM student!
3. To go beyond my usual baritone - low tenor range and sing in many genres.

So that's me guys! Thank you and I hope I can make very good singing progress and friends on this Forum!


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