Hi @jmstanle! It sounds good, it was a little hard for me to hear the details in your voice with all the room noise, but I think you are on the right track!
Also, I've always wondered: What is that horse in the picture?
Hello @FurryMurry! Thanks I need a better karaoke because Smule doesn't let me convert to mp3 so I have to record the recording to get it. You can listen directly to Smule - https://www.smule.com/JudieStanley I will add this to my profile. As for the horsey - That is Ranger - A.K.A Night Ranger. He is very old now and used to be my show horse but now lives a life of luxury in the pasture with 2 others - Axl Rose and Pippin.
@Wigs thanks! Fiona doesn't do any vibrato on this song so that was my twist. I'm also proud of my ability to improvise as I had no idea when I was supposed to go high or low in some of the verses so I made it up. For example "What would an angel say the devil want's to know" I went low because I was thinking the devil should be low and that's where I held out the vibrato that you liked. LOL.
Also, I've always wondered: What is that horse in the picture?