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I am 6 months into the program, is there hope for my voice? -Stevie Nicks: Edge Of Seventeen

Hello again; I introduced my self earlier this morning.
I have lots of post nasal drip and nothing seems to help, I've taken perscription steroids and even that doesn't help. I feel like it inhibits my singing range & tone. Will I ever be able to sing with out the junk in the back of my throat, is this unique to me?

Here I am "trying " to sing Edge Of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks. I knw I have bad tone, I know im not good at recording my vocals but i want to get better so bad!!! With out having a bad attitude, I want to prove the people wrong who have ALWAYS told me that I'm not cut out to be a singer.

I think about people like Bob Dylan and Billy Corgan who are arguably not "good" singers yet they have influenced the world greatly with their music and dare I say, "voices".
Thank you for any constructive criticisms you may have. I have though skin, please help me get better. I will get some web lessons from Ken in the spring...Im EXCITED!!!



  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited November 2020
    that's cool. i like it. bad tone, not good at recording? not sure what you mean... did you use autotune by any chance?
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Yeah I thought it sounded good I only had time to listen to a little but nice work
  • SkylarSkylar 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 89

    I think you are being wayyyy too hard on yourself. I totally get it though, I am the same way with myself. There was nothing about this I felt like wasn't good!
  • Klaus_T said:

    that's cool. i like it. bad tone, not good at recording? not sure what you mean... did you use autotune by any chance?

    All of the above. Im still pitchy, Im not good at recording myself (EQ, Compression etc.) My tone isnt consistent and yes I did use Melodyne. Im still developing my ear to hear pitch, Ive played drums my entire life.
  • Yeah I thought it sounded good I only had time to listen to a little but nice work

    Thank you man, I appreciate that. I can hear some of the junk in my throat from post nasal drip and I also feel my vice is pretty shrill.
  • Skylar said:


    I think you are being wayyyy too hard on yourself. I totally get it though, I am the same way with myself. There was nothing about this I felt like wasn't good!

    Thank you for the kindness, Its like I can hear in my head what I think it should sound like, but I cant deliver. When I go through the exercises (KTVA) things seem to sound better nut once I start trying to sing none of what I practiced seems to come out ):
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Tonal wise I think it's pretty good, technique wise I think you'll learn in time to cut back a bit more air to get more power. When you said you used melodyne does that mean there was pitch correction? I'm not very good at hearing Auto tune.

    I think you should post your lah scales in the student area to get good feedback to help pinpoint areas of improvement.
  • Wigs said:

    Tonal wise I think it's pretty good, technique wise I think you'll learn in time to cut back a bit more air to get more power. When you said you used melodyne does that mean there was pitch correction? I'm not very good at hearing Auto tune.

    I think you should post your lah scales in the student area to get good feedback to help pinpoint areas of improvement.

    Yes Melodyne is a software designed for pitch correction.

    I would love to post scales; how and where do I do this.
    Also do i just get raw footage/audio from the phone for do i mic up and add compression?

    I typically practice with headphones, a mic & compression. I have wanted to ask
    This question for a while now.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Have a look in this category, you will see plenty of students uploading demos. Make sure you are signed in. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just raw footage and audio is fine.

  • Oh man! Thank you so much, I will post tomorrow!
    Thank you so much for you help; you’re a rock star!!!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited November 2020
    also, try making a tea from turmeric (root or powder), it helps me alot during allergy season, and it is beneficial for lots of things, so no risk there!
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Since you’re using headphones try and make your lah scales where we can hear the backing track also. No compression no effects. Just you and the backing track. I’d also like to hear you with out the melodyne
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