Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

First song recorded and 4 months review (in Russian + translation added)

KasumiKasumi 2.0 PRO Posts: 30
Hi everyone, my name is Viktoria and I'm from Russia :)
I've been doing the course for 5 months now, but the song was recorded 4 months after my start on program with Volume 1.
Having high and light voice all my life, training the chest register was and still is the hardest part for me, at first I barely could reach A4 with chest voice, I'm not even speaking about holding this note. So I worked hard and at some point I felt that I'm ready to record my first ever song in the studio. And now I want to share it with you and I'd really appreciate your feedbacks.
And I can assure you all who's still hesitating, that the course works!

Thank you!

Here is the song (it isn't a cover and I sing in Russian)



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