Best Of
Re: New Song - "At Your Own Game" - Feedback please!
I like the key you sang this in. If you can work on strengthening your lower range and getting more resonance down there it would really bring it together. It already sounds high enough for me when you get to the top and I like the contrast the song has when you are in your lower range.
Very sweet tune mate 👍🏼
Very sweet tune mate 👍🏼

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Re: Training the Open Throat Technique
@CarlRydberg the idea isn't to be completely static as far as I'm aware, small movements and shifts are fine. If you hear a froggy tone then that's a sign you have let it shift too much or your position is too raised.

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Re: Heart Alone
I really like how you have grown your voice to be able to hit those notes, especially after only a year. I also know that if you keep it up you will gain heaps more control over them. At around 1:08 when you sing bone, you hit that spot on, and it's how I can imagine you singing the rest of the song. You are doing very well! 🙂

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Re: Cover of Olivia Newton‐John - Hopelessly Devoted to You
You managed your open throat and support well between 2:20 and 2:35 👍🏼

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Re: New and willing to learn and grow!
Welcome, Leonie!
There are lots of nice people here, and we all are interested in learning to be better singers!
And there is always more to learn.
There are lots of nice people here, and we all are interested in learning to be better singers!
And there is always more to learn.

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Re: New and willing to learn and grow!
@LeonieGoosensen it's great that you found your passion and love for singing
never leave it just keep on singing
Here we all are new and each day by helping each other we all are learning something
So welcome to the party
Happy singing
never leave it just keep on singing
Here we all are new and each day by helping each other we all are learning something
So welcome to the party
Happy singing

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Re: New and willing to learn and grow!
I only started singing since starting this course and joining the forum too! Welcome 🙂

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Re: Cover Michael Buble - It's a Beautiful Day 2 year Progress.
I would encourage anyone that listens to this to take the time and listen to George's first version as well and not judge his ability from the latest one. (This comment is for those that have still to listen to it).
George, your relentless battle with pitch in no way diminishes how much improvent you have made with your tone, support, vowel placement and confidence. You sound more open in the throat and more agile, this is great to hear how much improvement is possible by putting in the work. Well done mate and keep singing 🎤
George, your relentless battle with pitch in no way diminishes how much improvent you have made with your tone, support, vowel placement and confidence. You sound more open in the throat and more agile, this is great to hear how much improvement is possible by putting in the work. Well done mate and keep singing 🎤

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Re: looking for suggestion / comment
@Wigs thank you for suggesting
I have already watched it
Can you recommend any song
But thank you yes I know those small nuances are giving me a hard time
Yaa but let's keep working
I have already watched it
Can you recommend any song
But thank you yes I know those small nuances are giving me a hard time
Yaa but let's keep working

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