Hi guys it's me again and this time I come here to present you my new song which I sang in portuguese There are some low notes, some high, a little bit of belting and lighter sounds, please let me know what you think
Unfortunely,my voice cracked slightly at the chorus and awfully on the high notes from the ending. That last cracking couldn`t be more Tarzan-like... Wonder if I just happened to push too hard or something.
Aside from that,please tell me what I did rightly and wrongly.
You're just not aiming for the correct pitch. At your Tarzan moment, he's singing C5 and you're going up to about a G4. So you know something's not right, but you're on the wrong note, so it's kind of like being a fish out of water if you don't know what the right note to aim for is, and you find yourself on a different note.
Songs like this are a matter of knowing your place and being able to place the notes.
So if that line in the song is giving you troubles, you need to learn the notes of that line, note-for-note.
Like I've told you before, if you're having problems with a scale or a song, you need to s-l-o-w it down and get the notes right before trying to just randomly fall into the notes by magic. It's a learning process.
You can probably learn that line OK. But being ready to do it when it comes up in the song is another matter. First you need to learn that line in the first place. Then you need to practice it up to speed. Then you need to practice getting into that line from the line before.
This is advanced for your present level. You've come a long ways, so good for you. But that's what's happening in your Tarzan moment. Lack of proper preparation for that moment. You'll get it, when you're more prepared and more adept at hitting proper pitches and knowing your place within a song.
Hello there, this is my first time here in this thread. And below are a few tracks that I am hoping you can evaluate for me. Thanks in advance for your time and insight!! I don't wanna miss a thing (Aerosmith) Painkiller (Judas Priest) - only the highest part:
(P.S. I was just having fun with the song in the end of my cover band's 3-hour rehearsal in the studio.)
@Alvis, you sound like you're straining. As you've pointed out in your previous posts, the rhythm section is needing some serious work. I'd like to hear you do a Lah Scale and hear your voice without the live band.
@highmtn thanks for your prompt reply, Bob! Good to hear from you again:) No problem, I'll record myself in the upcoming workout and share it with you.
That's the kind of singing I like and actually, I don't feel I am straining when I distort my voice...Hope I am on the right track...Thanks again for your reply!
So these are LAA (AA as in Hat) scales as opposed to LAH scales? Try to make your voice a bit brighter.
You're going straight from LAA to OH, and seem to be going to OH at variable notes. In other words you seem to be going automatically to OH in the first scale, but it's not really high enough to warrant modifying yet. Also the first mod should be to aw lke loft, not OH. Then after aw, to oo like hook. Then to Ooh. So I think you need to revisit mods and when to use them.
Your sliders sound good, but again, you are switching like a light switch from AA to OH, and the mods should be subtle and gradual. They happen at the back of the throat, not at the mouth. They blend from the pure vowel gradually to the first mod, then the next, and so forth.
The mods will be at approximately the same notes all the time, but not at the same spot on the scales, because the scales step up each time they repeat, so the notes come at different places in the scales.
So a LAH scale will be LAH all the way through, until the top notes start to get into aw, etc. You will still be doing AH at the top, but modified. Your mouth will be doing AH and the back of your throat will form a little pocket that bends the sound a little bit into aw.
You'll be OK. You just have a few things to sort out.
In other words you seem to be going automatically to OH in the first scale, but it's not really high enough to warrant modifying yet. Also the first mod should be to aw lke loft, not OH. Then after aw, to oo like hook. Then to Ooh. So I think you need to revisit mods and when to use them.
Your sliders sound good, but again, you are switching like a light switch from AA to OH, and the mods should be subtle and gradual. They happen at the back of the throat, not at the mouth. They blend from the pure vowel gradually to the first mod, then the next, and so forth
@highmtn Bob, thank you so much for pinpointing these issues! I really appreciate it. I didn't realize I wasn't doing the mods properly. Yes, I am indeed missing out a few mods in between! I just re-watched the video on mods and will pay extra attention to this aspect when I do my workouts next time. Your comment on the motion of the mods is especially important. I seem to be moving the mouth as opposed to the back of the throat. Great refresher on this aspect. Ken did mention it in the mods video in Volume 1. And also, I might be doing the mods too early when it is not really high enough. I'll watch out for that, too!
You'll be OK. You just have a few things to sort out. Bob
Thank you for the kind words and I am glad that I'm on the right track to a certain extent. Of course I am aiming for perfection, so I'll apply what you told me here and keep practicing until I fully get it.
Once again, thank you for your expert feedback on my workouts.
Regarding support: I think you have room for improvement. It's a little hard to really hear how consistent your support is with the way you are kind of artificially doing the mods on this current demo.
From what I can tell, I think you're about halfway there. Don't let that be a discouragement, because that means once you get the other 50% working for you, these songs and scales will sound more consistent and become easier for you to sing. So, that's actually good news.
I want to share a proud moment here. Keda was singing for commemoration of Dday at Major Winter's Monument and we used your voice religiously to go through this.
Local French Normandy news featured her. Here's the video.
She mentioned that in the article Mom is an awesome singing teacher when all I did is just following your method and teaching her all the things you thought your students.
Please do consider filling out the vendor list so Keda can take face to face or online lesson front Ken Tamplin. It cost nothing to be the school vendor... and we can use Stipend to pay for lessons. She only want to learn from you because you!
I'm not a huge Elvis fan, but he has done some good stuff, and there's no denying he has an excellent singing voice.
To me, his songs are extremely easy and pose no challenge whatsoever. I prefer high-pitched, screaming, operatic vocals. But Elvis is cool nonetheless.
I've been singing some high notes both during my solo workouts as well as rehearsals with my band. I hope you guys can give me some feedback
In this high note compilation, you can hear
Steelheart (She's gone; I'll never let you go [Angel Eye]),
Judas Priest (A touch of evil; painkiller),
He (River) by the late Taiwanese singer-songwriter Zhang Yu-sheng, and
my own slider practice
Just in case this is relevant, I recorded these tracks right after my vol.3 workout, except for Painkiller, which I sang in the end of my 3-hour rehearsal with my hard rock band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_-dGxbezmc
Somebody suggested earlier that I sing Dream On with the karaoke version as opposed to with my band, so here's the promised recording:
(If I sound tired to you, that's because I sang this right after my vol.3 workout.) I recorded this one along with the high note compilation above in the same session.
Looking forward to your thoughts. Peace out and rock on!
I have to tell you, these voice-overs sound a little bit crazy. Sorry. It's probably really helping you to sing along to these, but it looks really crazy to hear your voice coming from somebody else's head!
To @KevinGrem , admins, and other fellow singers, please feel free to critique any of my demos on this forum I believe we're all here to help each other grow. Peace out!
> @KevinGrem said: > ViniciusOliveira, > > May I give you criticisms of your voice? I believe it's proper of me to ask you first before giving my honest opinion.
Ok well actually I was going to give criticisms but the truth is before I can even give feedback on your voice you'll have to isolate one at a time. Are they both your voices? Or is the bottom someone else? It's hard for me to tell. They aren't synchronous either. You need to get rid of the voice on the bottom.
Hi guys! - joined 3days ago - doing volume 1 ofc. Before joining KTVA i had a story with some other programs - anyone interested can check out my profile and the "introduction" post" (i'd be flattered if you're interested).
Enough said that i've been trying to figure it all out before KTVA - because i didn't have the $. So i was trying to get by with cheaper options. And for the most part i've learned a lot but i don't credit the programs - i credit myself for learning from the failures with them. And i think i'm currently in a pretty good place. (The programs themselves were ok but didn't deliver on their "hype" imo).
So maybe i'm not quite a beginner at it - you can judge that for yourself and i'll be flattered if you like my voice . (Just don't say i suck k) (jk).
I am wondering though if there are any "exceptions" to the method - where someone might jump straight to volume 2 or something. Just curious. (Btw the way these forums work confuse me lol sometimes everything seems scattered in terms of replies and such idk.)
Anyways let me stop rambling - my comment on the recording is that - i can do better. Just i mostly record in one takes (in smule). I don't try to "perfect" a recording so if there are mistakes i could correct, i usually just brush it off unless is REALLY bad lol.
It's just karaoke for me currently aka for fun. So i don't mind small mistakes here and there.
You may have missed the New Students Read This post on the front page. Make sure you have done what is recommended, or your view of the forums will be very scattered.
Sounds good for the most part. There are things that you are learning or will learn that will make this sound better, but it's a good starting point.
Some of your lower notes are pitchy. Brightening the tone will help you to be more accurate with that. Also a little better breath support will help the lows and the highs.
There are moments in this where you're doing really well.
I don't recommend you jump ahead to Volume 2. There are some basics that are taught in Volume 1 that you need to drill into muscle-memory. If you try to pick and choose which things Ken teaches and which of your old methods you want to keep, you will undermine yourself. Give yourself to this method. I took all of those other ones, too.
Sounds good for the most part. There are things that you are learning or will learn that will make this sound better, but it's a good starting point.
Some of your lower notes are pitchy. Brightening the tone will help you to be more accurate with that. Also a little better breath support will help the lows and the highs.
There are moments in this where you're doing really well.
I don't recommend you jump ahead to Volume 2. There are some basics that are taught in Volume 1 that you need to drill into muscle-memory. If you try to pick and choose which things Ken teaches and which of your old methods you want to keep, you will undermine yourself. Give yourself to this method. I took all of those other ones, too.
You've finally arrived home.
Awesome! i'll make sure to do the forum thing - cause sometimes posts seem scattered and i'm like what the hell is going on? ;-; lol
I'm glad you hear some good stuff in there - the low notes were totally pitchy at times no doubt.
Yesterday when i got the forum access it was late so i'm gonna get on it now! - just posted this to see some opinions for perspective. I definitely saw what you said about "brighten it up" coming.
For the most part i've always tended to sing with a more "dark" type sound - and that's probably noticeable in this rec. It's kind of part of my style but i should put that aside and worry about it later when i have more options.
I need to make a post with some of my questions - will see what forum thread is appropriate to post questions.
Hey guys It's been a while since I posted here lastly, but I just did a cover of Linkin Park's "Crawling" as a tribute to Chester Bennington, who passed away last week. He was my biggest idol and inspiration music wise, so that tragedy really hit me. I feel like I've improved a lot since my last cover. My pitch and tone is better and I also am slowly developing my vibrato.
Hey guys, havent been on the form in a while but decided to roll through and saw this category and decided why not. I havent really posted anything of me singing on here.
Its just an old video of me singing my song in the bathroom. I'd share on fo my cover, but im not very good at vocal production. lemme know what yall think, its old but oh well XD
Metallica - Enter Sandman .... first verse. Never thought I'd ever do a Metallica song
@JadenKarr you mentioned that I try something less bright. This one has a touch of distortion. As mentioned, being darker is hard for me to pitch ... this took me a lot of takes to get a recording that wasn't too pitchy.
@highmtn I'm thinking of doing a topic for myself and others struggling with pitch to share ideas.
I think that's a good idea. You've been working at this for a while. I think if we concentrate some effort in one place regarding pitch discernment and how to improve it, that would be beneficial to many.
Been experimenting with my iPad to bring out the best tonal qualities of my voice. Sum subtle chorus and reverb ... I fear I may have overdone the delay?
For over a year I've worked this song as it's been one of my most difficult to pitch. Still not perfect but pleased with the sustained high note at the extreme of my passiggio.
I'm still working on a video to show the method I've been using to improve pitch ... I might have it ready next weekend.
@stratman suggested I should post a demo here, so here it is... I recorded this one back in November 2016.
I'm practically new to the KTVA method, so hopefully in some months I can improve and share another video with you guys. My goal is to be able to sing higher so that I can do some 80's metal kinda stuff... for now
As you continue to work this part of your voice (hi C), you will get more ease with it. You're kind of using a "trumpet voice" to get there now, and that works, but as you get more comfortable with this range, you will be able to reach the C without punching out to hit it.
Also, the "ih" vowel is hard to do high notes. You're pronouncing "feels" kind of like "fills" which makes the C a little harder to attain. EE may be easier than ih.
I notice too, that on the word "never" the "n" sounds almost congested, as in "dever".
Although N is a "nasal" tone, we need a natural amount of nasality to put us in balance so we won't sound like we hab a bad code. So the trick is to let the N's M's and NG's ring just a little bit.
You're getting up there in range, and your pitch is improving, too.
@highmtn really good points. Thanks. The word feels is particularly hard ... it's very tempting to shout it. I'll give the mod a try. I'm a bit worried about the m, n and ng ... is it possible to be too bright?
In the following example, there's lots of m's and ings... am I too bright or maybe becoming nasal?
I think this sounds pretty good. I really like the high end of your voice. I wouldn't worry about it. It's growing naturally on its own. Your pitch is getting more spot-on.
Gotta love the EE vowel. A blend of eh with EE what I do on the chorus of this song.
I've met many singers out there who claim to have a 4 octave range or even more. Much of the time this is completely false. THIS is what a true 4 octave span sounds like:
Yes, your voice will go through cycles. The fact that you can sing D5's now on a good day is a good thing. Because the voice is a living thing, it will have days where it excels and days where it's a little more tired. But as you said,a year and a half ago, you couldn't sing a D5 in chest voice on your best day. And your voice will continue to grow, to the extent that D5's will be more reliable for you on any given day, as will new notes to come. But even then, it will have cycles... you'll just be up the ladder a few rungs from where you are now.
Congratulations on the growth you have accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.
I think the biggest area of improvement I've seen has been building that connection between the registers. I could sing high before, but never I could I carry the voice so smoothly up and down the way I can now.
Alright, so this is a cover I did of Audioslave's "Like a Stone". It's kind of a tough song for me to sing, some days are better than others. I do hear a few 'breaks' in my voice during the chorus, but give it a listen and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong, or if there's anything that I could do better. Thanks! (Ignore the promo at the end)
@johat861, This sounds pretty good. You've mentioned the few little breaks. Towards the end, on some of the high parts, you ran a little bit low on breath support.
Your pitch and tone is good. I expected a little bit of distortion on this, but it sounds quite good the way you did it.
Hi KTVA, I wanted to share this one from a little while back - a song that I recorded at Bandhub thanks to Jeff from the US on keys. This was recorded for and dedicated to my wife for our 10th Anniversary. Without my time studying Ken's technique(s), this song wouldn't have been the same. Thanks Ken! Peace, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VoDv9__bxI Johan
Hi KTVA, This is a song which was completely written in cyber-space (gotta love the internet) The guitarist from Malaysia presented the original arrangement and others continued to add to it. Drums - Australia; Keys - USA; Bass - England; Lyrics/Vocals - Canada (living in China) Really happy with the way this one turned out. I was even able to inject a 'bit' of distortion at the very end of the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U1UEpnNEwk
I do not listen to that band, as they have never caught my ear. I'm guessing you're recreating it close enough to the original, but I don't know how it's supposed to sound, so I don't know whether you're doing a good job or not.
Nice job splicing in 3 different videos and being a versatile musician. Good job on being more than just a singer.
If you're asking me whether I would enjoy listening to your singing, I don't think so. I was never a fan of the 90's grunge style of rock vocal delivery which always sounded too apathetic and spiritless to my ears. I feel that rock vocals went seriously downhill after grunge. I prefer louder, higher, and more soaring vocals in my music. That's why I stick with classic metal and power metal.
On the original song you posted, at the start you sounded very close to brian ferry (Roxy Music) ... I recon you’d sound awesome covering some of his songs.
@johat861 interesting version of like a stone ... I enjoyed it. It’s one of the songs I use to track my progress so very interested in any versions I hear. You’re doing real well ... Alice in chains cover was excellent.
Ok, time for an update on progress. My workout today felt really good ... quite bright and a good sense of support. Thought I’d post an update of Lah and Eh and a couple of my reference songs. Thoughts?
stratman, Your Lah and ee scales are sounding pretty good. The low notes on Sweet Caroline need a little tweeking to settle in on the pitch, and I think that one sits a little more in the AA/eh sound and a little less Ah.
I can hear your pitch improvements, and they are coming along. Are those spectographs in your soundcloud thumbnail of your voice or just a stock pic for giggles?
What I was going to say is that your spectograms are rich in upper formants (Bright Sound). Many vocalists aspire to gain this part of the sound spectrum in their vocal tone. Those red areas in the upper mids are right where we want to get some emphasis in the sound.
Reposting a new version of a song I had done before starting KTVA. Been doing volume 1 for a little over a month. Focused on trying to be relaxed and not use too much breath this time. Think I might've been too relaxed and maybe lost support a few times.
set up my Chroma Key screen just in time for Halloween! Here is my cover of "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson..."you were from a perfect world, a world that threw me away today"...https://youtu.be/PcLVEheBIz8 check out my solo project at https://www.facebook.com/earthallianceband/ ...working on a Metallica tribute with an online friend next
@SteveK thanks so much brutha! I really appreciate it! I inject the 'roids right into my diaphragm muscles lol!!!! Thanks @highmtn , I love the new green screen for endless new looks, I think it will motivate me to make 100s more videos in the next year or two lol
You certainly sound like Marilyn Manson. I've never been a fan of his vocals myself, but I did used to like and enjoy his first couple of albums. His tone is like, too droney or something. Not enough life, not enough spirit. I have nothing against him though. He's a great performer, a great artist, etc. And he's very intelligent.
thanks @KevinGrem right on glad I sound like him for that tune, cheers droney sounding heh I listen to his albums when they come out but ya Im not constantly spinning them either. Hope he gets better from his injury soon, his shows are awesome!
it's me again and this time I come here to present you my new song which I sang in portuguese
Sang with the brightest tone I possibly could.
Unfortunely,my voice cracked slightly at the chorus and awfully on the high notes from the ending. That last cracking couldn`t be more Tarzan-like...
Wonder if I just happened to push too hard or something.
Aside from that,please tell me what I did rightly and wrongly.
Songs like this are a matter of knowing your place and being able to place the notes.
So if that line in the song is giving you troubles, you need to learn the notes of that line, note-for-note.
Like I've told you before, if you're having problems with a scale or a song, you need to s-l-o-w it down and get the notes right before trying to just randomly fall into the notes by magic. It's a learning process.
You can probably learn that line OK. But being ready to do it when it comes up in the song is another matter. First you need to learn that line in the first place. Then you need to practice it up to speed. Then you need to practice getting into that line from the line before.
This is advanced for your present level. You've come a long ways, so good for you. But that's what's happening in your Tarzan moment. Lack of proper preparation for that moment. You'll get it, when you're more prepared and more adept at hitting proper pitches and knowing your place within a song.
I don't wanna miss a thing (Aerosmith)
Painkiller (Judas Priest) - only the highest part:
(P.S. I was just having fun with the song in the end of my cover band's 3-hour rehearsal in the studio.)
Here's the secret link to my LA recording:
Slider: https://soundcloud.com/alvisyu/vol3-slider/s-nbxeT?in=alvisyu/sets/ken-tamplin-vocal-academy/s-clhxc
That's the kind of singing I like and actually, I don't feel I am straining when I distort my voice...Hope I am on the right track...Thanks again for your reply!
So these are LAA (AA as in Hat) scales as opposed to LAH scales? Try to make your voice a bit brighter.
You're going straight from LAA to OH, and seem to be going to OH at variable notes.
In other words you seem to be going automatically to OH in the first scale, but it's not really high enough to warrant modifying yet. Also the first mod should be to aw lke loft, not OH. Then after aw, to oo like hook. Then to Ooh. So I think you need to revisit mods and when to use them.
Your sliders sound good, but again, you are switching like a light switch from AA to OH, and the mods should be subtle and gradual. They happen at the back of the throat, not at the mouth. They blend from the pure vowel gradually to the first mod, then the next, and so forth.
The mods will be at approximately the same notes all the time, but not at the same spot on the scales, because the scales step up each time they repeat, so the notes come at different places in the scales.
So a LAH scale will be LAH all the way through, until the top notes start to get into aw, etc. You will still be doing AH at the top, but modified. Your mouth will be doing AH and the back of your throat will form a little pocket that bends the sound a little bit into aw.
You'll be OK. You just have a few things to sort out.
Once again, thank you for your expert feedback on my workouts.
I've moved this discussion to Volume 2 - Vowel modifications. It's getting into a little more detail than we can fully explain here. (Bob)
Here is me playing piano and covering The Beatles:
Regarding support: I think you have room for improvement. It's a little hard to really hear how consistent your support is with the way you are kind of artificially doing the mods on this current demo.
From what I can tell, I think you're about halfway there. Don't let that be a discouragement, because that means once you get the other 50% working for you, these songs and scales will sound more consistent and become easier for you to sing. So, that's actually good news.
@KevinGrem nice vocals
@EzraRomanov love it very nice video.
I want to share a proud moment here.
Keda was singing for commemoration of Dday at Major Winter's Monument and we used your voice religiously to go through this.
Local French Normandy news featured her. Here's the video.
Our our local newspaper interviewed her.
She mentioned that in the article Mom is an awesome singing teacher when all I did is just following your method and teaching her all the things you thought your students.
Please do consider filling out the vendor list so Keda can take face to face or online lesson front Ken Tamplin. It cost nothing to be the school vendor... and we can use Stipend to pay for lessons. She only want to learn from you because you!
Thanks again for teaching us how to sing
I'm not a huge Elvis fan, but he has done some good stuff, and there's no denying he has an excellent singing voice.
To me, his songs are extremely easy and pose no challenge whatsoever. I prefer high-pitched, screaming, operatic vocals. But Elvis is cool nonetheless.
I've been singing some high notes both during my solo workouts as well as rehearsals with my band. I hope you guys can give me some feedback
In this high note compilation, you can hear
- Steelheart (She's gone; I'll never let you go [Angel Eye]),
- Judas Priest (A touch of evil; painkiller),
- He (River) by the late Taiwanese singer-songwriter Zhang Yu-sheng, and
- my own slider practice
Just in case this is relevant, I recorded these tracks right after my vol.3 workout, except for Painkiller, which I sang in the end of my 3-hour rehearsal with my hard rock band.Somebody suggested earlier that I sing Dream On with the karaoke version as opposed to with my band, so here's the promised recording:
(If I sound tired to you, that's because I sang this right after my vol.3 workout.) I recorded this one along with the high note compilation above in the same session.
Looking forward to your thoughts. Peace out and rock on!
I have to tell you, these voice-overs sound a little bit crazy. Sorry. It's probably really helping you to sing along to these, but it looks really crazy to hear your voice coming from somebody else's head!
I achieved an A4... thats a huge accomplishement. I'm finally starting to go above G#4.
Do you think I got closer to pitch this time? I`d say yes.
May I give you criticisms of your voice? I believe it's proper of me to ask you first before giving my honest opinion.
> ViniciusOliveira,
> May I give you criticisms of your voice? I believe it's proper of me to ask you first before giving my honest opinion.
Thats my voice.
Pretty amateurish,I know.
The bottom one was from Anthony Green.
Bear in mind I`m a beginner.
Enough said that i've been trying to figure it all out before KTVA - because i didn't have the $. So i was trying to get by with cheaper options. And for the most part i've learned a lot but i don't credit the programs - i credit myself for learning from the failures with them. And i think i'm currently in a pretty good place. (The programs themselves were ok but didn't deliver on their "hype" imo).
So maybe i'm not quite a beginner at it - you can judge that for yourself and i'll be flattered if you like my voice
I am wondering though if there are any "exceptions" to the method - where someone might jump straight to volume 2 or something. Just curious. (Btw the way these forums work confuse me lol sometimes everything seems scattered in terms of replies and such idk.)
Anyways let me stop rambling - my comment on the recording is that - i can do better. Just i mostly record in one takes (in smule). I don't try to "perfect" a recording so if there are mistakes i could correct, i usually just brush it off unless is REALLY bad lol.
It's just karaoke for me currently aka for fun. So i don't mind small mistakes here and there.
So keep that in mind :P (anyone who listens lol)
https://clyp.it/vas5z1yk (Ignore my shenanigans in the beginning)
Thanks to anyone who gives feedback - mostly looking for perspective.
Take it easy on me though!. Only been a student for 3 days!
You may have missed the New Students Read This post on the front page. Make sure you have done what is recommended, or your view of the forums will be very scattered.
Some of your lower notes are pitchy. Brightening the tone will help you to be more accurate with that. Also a little better breath support will help the lows and the highs.
There are moments in this where you're doing really well.
I don't recommend you jump ahead to Volume 2. There are some basics that are taught in Volume 1 that you need to drill into muscle-memory. If you try to pick and choose which things Ken teaches and which of your old methods you want to keep, you will undermine yourself. Give yourself to this method. I took all of those other ones, too.
You've finally arrived home.
I'm glad you hear some good stuff in there - the low notes were totally pitchy at times no doubt.
Yesterday when i got the forum access it was late so i'm gonna get on it now! - just posted this to see some opinions for perspective. I definitely saw what you said about "brighten it up" coming.
For the most part i've always tended to sing with a more "dark" type sound - and that's probably noticeable in this rec. It's kind of part of my style but i should put that aside and worry about it later when i have more options.
I need to make a post with some of my questions - will see what forum thread is appropriate to post questions.
Thanks for the reply / analysis!.
It's been a while since I posted here lastly, but I just did a cover of Linkin Park's "Crawling" as a tribute to Chester Bennington, who passed away last week. He was my biggest idol and inspiration music wise, so that tragedy really hit me.
I feel like I've improved a lot since my last cover. My pitch and tone is better and I also am slowly developing my vibrato.
Thanks for checking it out!
Its just an old video of me singing my song in the bathroom. I'd share on fo my cover, but im not very good at vocal production. lemme know what yall think, its old but oh well XD
Nice tone, pretty good on the support. Nice to hear your voice.
@JadenKarr you mentioned that I try something less bright. This one has a touch of distortion. As mentioned, being darker is hard for me to pitch ... this took me a lot of takes to get a recording that wasn't too pitchy.
@highmtn I'm thinking of doing a topic for myself and others struggling with pitch to share ideas.
I think that's a good idea. You've been working at this for a while. I think if we concentrate some effort in one place regarding pitch discernment and how to improve it, that would be beneficial to many.
For over a year I've worked this song as it's been one of my most difficult to pitch. Still not perfect but pleased with the sustained high note at the extreme of my passiggio.
I'm still working on a video to show the method I've been using to improve pitch ... I might have it ready next weekend.
@stratman suggested I should post a demo here, so here it is... I recorded this one back in November 2016.
I'm practically new to the KTVA method, so hopefully in some months I can improve and share another video with you guys. My goal is to be able to sing higher so that I can do some 80's metal kinda stuff... for now
This is my cover of Coldplay's Fix You,
This is one of my very own songs from my one man band CISSAN haha
No Tardes
Both recorded at my studio in San Luis Potosí, México.
And as a bonus... this is my first attempt at singing Honestly by Stryper, I like it but I know I will be able to sing it with more ease
Thank you for checking them out and please let me know what you think
Any thoughts about how to refine this area of my voice welcome .... thanks, Rob.
As you continue to work this part of your voice (hi C), you will get more ease with it. You're kind of using a "trumpet voice" to get there now, and that works, but as you get more comfortable with this range, you will be able to reach the C without punching out to hit it.
Also, the "ih" vowel is hard to do high notes. You're pronouncing "feels" kind of like "fills" which makes the C a little harder to attain. EE may be easier than ih.
I notice too, that on the word "never" the "n" sounds almost congested, as in "dever".
Although N is a "nasal" tone, we need a natural amount of nasality to put us in balance so we won't sound like we hab a bad code. So the trick is to let the N's M's and NG's ring just a little bit.
You're getting up there in range, and your pitch is improving, too.
In the following example, there's lots of m's and ings... am I too bright or maybe becoming nasal?
Gotta love the EE vowel. A blend of eh with EE what I do on the chorus of this song.
Good job staying on key. Overall not too bad. Good job with the chorus.
Honestly you are getting better than the last I heard you. Keep doing more of what you're doing. Don't give up.
Here I am singing all the way from B1 to B5. I even am stretching a tad higher, as my vocals vibrate back and forth between B5 and C6!!
Yes, your voice will go through cycles. The fact that you can sing D5's now on a good day is a good thing. Because the voice is a living thing, it will have days where it excels and days where it's a little more tired. But as you said,a year and a half ago, you couldn't sing a D5 in chest voice on your best day. And your voice will continue to grow, to the extent that D5's will be more reliable for you on any given day, as will new notes to come. But even then, it will have cycles... you'll just be up the ladder a few rungs from where you are now.
Congratulations on the growth you have accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.
Thanks again Highmtn for your feedback.
This sounds pretty good. You've mentioned the few little breaks. Towards the end, on some of the high parts, you ran a little bit low on breath support.
Your pitch and tone is good. I expected a little bit of distortion on this, but it sounds quite good the way you did it.
I wanted to share this one from a little while back - a song that I recorded at Bandhub thanks to Jeff from the US on keys.
This was recorded for and dedicated to my wife for our 10th Anniversary.
Without my time studying Ken's technique(s), this song wouldn't have been the same. Thanks Ken!
Singing is a journey...
Enjoy it! :-)
This is a song which was completely written in cyber-space (gotta love the internet)
The guitarist from Malaysia presented the original arrangement and others continued to add to it.
Drums - Australia; Keys - USA; Bass - England; Lyrics/Vocals - Canada (living in China)
Really happy with the way this one turned out. I was even able to inject a 'bit' of distortion at the very end of the song.
I do not listen to that band, as they have never caught my ear. I'm guessing you're recreating it close enough to the original, but I don't know how it's supposed to sound, so I don't know whether you're doing a good job or not.
Nice job splicing in 3 different videos and being a versatile musician. Good job on being more than just a singer.
If you're asking me whether I would enjoy listening to your singing, I don't think so. I was never a fan of the 90's grunge style of rock vocal delivery which always sounded too apathetic and spiritless to my ears. I feel that rock vocals went seriously downhill after grunge. I prefer louder, higher, and more soaring vocals in my music. That's why I stick with classic metal and power metal.
On the original song you posted, at the start you sounded very close to brian ferry (Roxy Music) ... I recon you’d sound awesome covering some of his songs.
Reference Song: Like a Stone
Reference Song: Sweet Caroline
You're really coming along well.
Are those spectographs in your soundcloud thumbnail of your voice or just a stock pic for giggles?
compilation: [url]
Rocket Queen [url]
Mr Brownstone: [url]
Reposting a new version of a song I had done before starting KTVA. Been doing volume 1 for a little over a month. Focused on trying to be relaxed and not use too much breath this time. Think I might've been too relaxed and maybe lost support a few times.