Home Newbies Demo Area - for those who want to test the waters!

Demo Area for Newbies - Feedback for those starting out



  • @LoneWolfRogue , Sweet!, another Ace fan. He's the guy that turned me on to rock guitar, and started it all.

    You can't go wrong giving anything your best, but it truly has to be a best effort. you know what I mean?

    Looking forward to seeing you around.

    "You wanted the best, you got it"

    Peace, Tony
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    This course will definitely help you grow your voice, and your confidence along with it.
    Same goes with the forum. Theres a TON of wonderful people here who can help you boost your confidence so don't be shy or anything to post videos or audio clips of you singing so we can help you. Everybody has to start somewhere, and I believe you have chosen just the right place to start!

    If you put time into this, you can reach your goal sooner than you would even expect.
    So, hope to see you around!

  • ktvafanforlifektvafanforlife Member Posts: 6
    as Ken likes to say, "the proof is in the singing".....his students' as well as his own singing are proof! I improved greatly just by watching the various videos...I have no doubts the courses are great and am seriously considering enrolling....I just want to make sure I'll have time.

    as far as confidence goes, you know the saying "sing like no one is watching?" I think it starts there. :smile: Cheers!
  • LoneWolfRogueLoneWolfRogue 2.0 PRO Posts: 265
    Thanks guys very much I think I'll do a video soon and see where we get with the lessons as I'm now an academy student but it'll be slow and thanks for your kindness and patience lol I'm gonna be a tough nut to crack in the singing world but I definitely do hope it helps.

    P.s. for those that did earlier thanks also on the makeup comments too lol. I did Ace for a few gigs as him and it was fun to see the kids light up and be like KISS lol.

    To be honest I'd love to do a sort of revival of the glam rock bands. The style I want to do in music is the theatrics of KISS, the lyrics/messages like that of ken and even Strypers and a voice and guitar riff combo of all combined.
  • DaveBellDaveBell Member Posts: 1
    I have a feeling there are a lot of things I could have done better in this cover of an Albert Collins song. Most noticeable to me was I probably didn't start out with the right intensity and I think I was too close to the mic on the talking part. It was recorded before I knew about Ken. Ken's tip about the first note of a verse being the most important is the type of insight that blows me away. I have shared that advice with other people, even as encouragement when they messed up the last note of a verse. Thinking about getting the first note right is the type of thing that can make a big difference for me. Working the mic might be a good topic, but you can sort of figure that out by listening to recordings of yourself. Somebody called one of the styles I sing in punk crooning. There are a few other styles I'm much better at than many, but I don't want to start out with something I am terrible at.

  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    @DaveBell hey im Gaston I would encourage you to brighten the sound more, it will help you a lot for pitch

    here is a video where you can see how you can work that out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZATunybJm_4

    hope this is of help

  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Ok, I posted this elsewhere on this site as well. Open to constrictive feedback. I have been singing online since last May. Still green, just really started diving into KTVA and it's helped me a ton!!!
  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Oops, constructive, not constrictive feedback!
  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Ok this one was recorded with a bit of clipping and a timing issue, but my real stab at backgroud vocals. Great musicians though!
    Cover of Edge of Seventeen by Fleetwood Mac
  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    edited February 2019
  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    And a softer tune: cover of Nathalie Maines cover of Pink Floyd's "Mother"
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Nice job, @Adrenalynda !

    You sound your best when you are keeping a brighter tone, like the one one the softer tune. I also liked the Nirvana tune. There were some pitch issues in a few of the harmony vocals, and the first two tunes didn't have as much bright tone in them. The brighter tone is best for helping to keep spot-on pitch.

    Learn all you can and practice with increasing your breath support. It helps a lot for overall consistency and tone.

    Welcome to the forums!

  • AdrenalyndaAdrenalynda 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    edited February 2019
    Hi and thank you so much. I really appreciate the feedback ( and that was quick!) Practice practice practice for sure!
  • Lucas_lpsLucas_lps Member Posts: 12
    Hi guys !!
    I have been practicing with Ken videos on youtube, can you please give some feedbacks ?

    Here is the Demo:
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Sounds pretty good. I recommend you brighten up the tone a bit more. Your support could be a little better to help sustain those notes. It's best to have some sort of music accompaniment so we have a pitch reference, rather than solo voice.
  • Lucas_lpsLucas_lps Member Posts: 12
    Thank you very much for the help !! I will definitely try this.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Lucas_lps

    this sounds really promising. I guess that you are singing in your bathroom, but not under the shower. It might be worth a try to upload a demo with a playback from another room (i.e. the living room) to remove these early reflections. They make it harder to evaluate your vocal skills.

  • Lucas_lpsLucas_lps Member Posts: 12
    Thank you for the advice, I was in my bathroom, I will keep Practicing and soon I will upload another demo.
  • JonathanGonzalesJonathanGonzales 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    Hey there. My name is jonathan Gonzales. Ive been with the program for about 7 months now. I i think my biggest hurdle is consistency with the vowel mods. Any feedback would be appreciated!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You sound good on this clip. You aren't really going high enough to need modifications, except maybe on a few of the EE vowels on high notes. You could modify EE to the EE-Aye ask Ken calls it, so that your Meee would be maye-ee. Not really obvious, just enough to take the edge off of the EE vowel. That's what mods are for, to make the upper notes a little more comfortable.

    Learn them. They will become your friends.

  • JonathanGonzalesJonathanGonzales 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    @highmtn thanks Bob! Will continue to work on it. I was previously a baritone, so im reworking where the mods should kick in with new ranges to my voice. Certainly will work more on the E of eight mod
  • edited June 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • ContraltoLivesMatterContraltoLivesMatter Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2019
    I found I like Delta Goodrem as a vocal role model eventhough her voice is slightly higher than my own, I found that her songs are good for me. this is a video I did of her song Lost Without You. I am learning this at the moment. I’m becoming aware I need scales to practice which should allow me to nail this song

    I will consider buying the course, and need to know if the USB would work on a samsung galaxy tab? beause I have an iphone.

    here is my link https://www.dropbox.com/s/trywa4rrsy8mnan/10000000_747315129076132_4230195585698758656_n.mp4?dl=0

    Iam feeling positive I can do this somedays others im afraid and want to say im absolutely hopeless. I really good guitarist, so my end goal is to be like a female ritchie sambora where I can play guitar (which I can) flashy, and sing as well this would make my requirement of needing a duo obsolete.

    I also want to do this on YouTube for sure. my guitar skills are there, but I am concerned at the time it will take me to get my voice to that standard.

    Please tell me if I suck with no chance I need absolute honesty before I do anything else

    I wasn’t singing my best because I feel nervous singing on video at the moment.

    Delta uses from what I understand is a mix voice, I had trouble with the higher note which I needed to open my throat
    More. I feel my voice is almost too bright

  • mayiskiesmayiskies 3.0 Streaming Posts: 8

    I learned I could kind of sing when I was 23. Now I'm 25 I've been going to a vocal coach for about 6 months. What do you guys think? Any tips?
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @ContraltoLivesMatter when I got the usb I could save it to my hard drive then transfer the parts I was using at the moment onto my phone or your device of choice. As far as where you are at now, it's honestly a long way from where I think you want to be, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to make progress towards your goal with the course and ALOT of hard work and dedication. Ive been on it less than a year and for my self and other students the results definately show. Good luck!
  • DutchieRaDutchieRa 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    edited August 2019

    So I'm new here and considering doing the course. I have no vocal training whatsoever, but have always loved to sing anyway. I know I have a lot to learn, but I would like to know what you think of my singing at this initial stage.


    I did this song because it kind of feels comfortable in my vocal range. I'm also kind of confused about my vocal range, maybe someone can shed some light on that. As far as I understand it, the lowest female voice type contralto ranges from F3 – F5 (including both chest and head voice). My vocal range according to those terms would be more or less B2 - E5, so besically much lower than contralto. My head voice is certainly weak, but I can produce the higher notes. What does that make my voice type?
  • Seth_WeihrauchSeth_Weihrauch 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 18
    How do I put a demo on here. I’m new to trying to improve my voice and would like some feedback
  • TenorNoteTenorNote 2.0 PRO Posts: 11
    Forgive me because I'm a little slow; but how do I share a vocal link?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    To post a demo, first you post your video to YouTube or audio to Soundcloud. You get the URL from YouTube or SoundCloud, copy that url for your demo, and then paste the URL into your posting here on the forums. We click on the URL and hear / See your demo. Video is preferred.

    Make sure you don't set your URL to "Private" or nobody but you can see or hear it.
  • Alexis1111Alexis1111 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    Not sure if you have Mac, but what I did was recorded myself through the photo booth and then I opened my google account and clicked google drive transported the videos on to my google drive. Once their downloaded if you click the video it will give you the option to copy the URL which is what you want to do and then paste it onto here.

    hope this helped.... @EllaKid
  • Alexis1111Alexis1111 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    @mayiskies I think your voice sounds great 😊 but what are you singing into? your phone or a mic?
  • TenorNoteTenorNote 2.0 PRO Posts: 11
    edited November 2019
    Excuse me...I'll be back
  • KenfromCZKenfromCZ Member Posts: 43
    Hi everyone,
    I try sing about 1,5 years. Therefore I please some feedback. Here is sample from 3 popular songs. Thanks for any opinions. Excuse my poor English.
  • TH_SHT_MKRTH_SHT_MKR 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    Can anybody listen to my vowels fluently, please? Do I force it too much and if yes than what should I do? And I'll be very glad for any other critics about my singing!)
    P.S.: Don't say anything about the pitch. That's obvious and I work hard on that)

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978

    we are not able to listen to you demo because it is blocked by soundcloud. You either have to change the status to "public" (not recommend) or you copy the link of your file and paste it here via the small chain symbol above the comment field.

  • mpoulinmpoulin Member Posts: 2
    Hey guys, brand new here, looking for some feedback on my first attempt at recording my voice. To me it sounds like my timing is off a bit, and my voice is a bit "froggy" (does that make sense?). Feedback and honest criticism welcomed!
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @mpoulin Hi there mate, sorry it took a while to get back, I don't usually check this area much. I actually think you are doing quite well resisting raising your larynx, it didn't sound froggy to me. Timing is a touch off, just needs more practice. The main thing though is I think you could be slightly flat on the word "see" as well as a couple others. Most of the rest of the song is fine. Make sure to keep your support as you sing these parts.

    If you upload another demo in the future, consider turning down the reverb and the backing track just a bit so it's easier to really hear your voice.

    Good job though mate 🙂
  • mpoulinmpoulin Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the feedback @Wigs! I'll work on the things you mentioned - all very good advice. :smile:
  • musicplayeralanmusicplayeralan 2.0 PRO Posts: 15
    edited February 2020
    I couldn't figure out how to delete this post, so I deleted the content hahahaha

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @musicplayeralan,

    nice to have you back, Alan. The notifications can be changed easily:

    Go to the small cogwheel in the upper right and go to "Edit profile". You can change the notifications settings there.

    Since you own the course I would like to recommend to re-post your videos there. You will get much more detailed information in the internal students' areas. I would recommend this category:

    Student progress reports

  • musicplayeralanmusicplayeralan 2.0 PRO Posts: 15
    Thank you @doc_ramadani ! I appreciate the information. I will delete this and repost there
  • gvivologvivolo Member Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Gregg. I've been following Ken's instructional material for a little while now. Here is my first recording that I feel is worthy of sharing.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Gregg, @gvivolo

    thanks for sharing your demo. Pretty good.

  • RickyJanoherRickyJanoher 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    Hi I am doing KTVA and I've been doing it for 3 months. I am still insecure about my voice, and I don't know if I am improving or not. Someone please listen and give me feedback, please.

  • RockAndBeaversRockAndBeavers 2.0 PRO Posts: 1
    Hello everyone

    Im new here so thought to share some info.

    I have sang for about 25 years unprofessional only for fun and still are. But these days i have started
    to be more exact about how it sounds and not. Wich have lead me here since most of the vocal coaches
    didnt had what i looked for. I sing alot of Rock and Core / Death Metal (Also included in one of the links)
    and for me its important to do it right and have a good teacher about screaming, raspy etc.
    im not sure if im doing it right or not but can surely improve. I havent had any vocal issues or hurt
    i can sing for hours just singing Core / Deathmetal. A problem for me is if im goin to sing a calmer / ballad
    song or something similar directly after a screaming song i cant cause i still have the high pitch and raspy sound in my voice and have to wait a hour or 2 then i can sing more gentle songs :smiley: i have just started to learn how to
    by my self compress my voice when i sing rock songs and sometimes it works and sometimes not wich you can
    probly hear in any of the links.

    i havent started to sing KTVA yet but i have started the first 4-5 videos. I have a linked few videos where i sing low, high, dark, light, tried to get you so much info as possible about how i sing if my voice can be better or not.
    some of the Demos are half or full lenght cause i have taken them from smule where i sing alot and wanted
    only me in those videos therefore the songs can seem short but i hope you still can se/hear how i sing.

    If you like feel free to listen and give feedback

    https://dropbox.com/s/e2qlidmy3fokxa2/SBest.mp4?dl=0 - Simply The Best

    https://dropbox.com/s/rax1nz3sexped46/PrideAndJoy.mp4?dl=0 - Pride And Joy (Blues, Compressed Scream in some of the chorus.)

    https://dropbox.com/s/g4hnfb8h2mjd3n7/PoV.mp4?dl=0 - Pursuit of vikings (Viking Rock - Screams)

    https://dropbox.com/s/mw4dgjtbe1byls1/Nynph.mp4?dl=0 - Nymphetamine Fix (Metal - Calm and screams)

    https://dropbox.com/s/etz4l4e8i2jk4ho/Mama.mp4?dl=0 - Mama Im Coming Home - (Slight Rock, Calm)

    https://dropbox.com/s/o9h5fm3xkjs4euv/InTheEnd.mp4?dl=0 - In The End (Rock, Rasp, Compressions)

    https://dropbox.com/s/ynubs0pvr9ip58l/Heaven.mp4?dl=0 - Wrong Side of Heaven (Harder Rock)

    https://dropbox.com/s/9jduf94fyf4dsrk/DontStopBelieving.mp4?dl=0 - Dont Stop Believing (Rock attempt to compress harder)
    https://dropbox.com/s/nrn39i5wu4b0qsb/BecauseYouLovedMe.mp4?dl=0 Because you loved me (Ballad slow song tried to stay in pitch used low to high vocal)

  • AndreWraithAndreWraith 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    Salut mes amis,

    I started the course about 2 weeks ago and wanted to know if there was anything I should focus on.
    Here is my "Dudes Lah triad" from volume 1:

    Any feedback would be great. Especially anything that would help me from injury as I am prone to injury.

    Merci beaucoup,
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Welcome new members! To help you around the forums there are colour coded banners. Blue is open to the public, while green and yellow are for members only. If you would like to repost your scales into the student area under new student demos (green), then we can give you feed back relating to the course. :smile:
  • JustImaniJustImani Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    Hello, I have been watching a lot of Ken Tamplin videos, and am hoping for some preliminary feedback on my voice. I am a newbie. Could someone assist me? I did a cover of "Fields of Gold" by Sting.

    Thank you.

  • TessyijachiTessyijachi Member Posts: 34
    I need critique on my singing please
    I've been watching Ken's free videos for months now.
    Am loosing motivation to sing and I always feel like am a terrible singer.
    I'd like to know what am doing wrong.

  • ErnestoErnesto 2.0 PRO Posts: 4

    I need critique on my singing please
    I've been watching Ken's free videos for months now.
    Am loosing motivation to sing and I always feel like am a terrible singer.
    I'd like to know what am doing wrong.


    You have a nice voice I'm sure you can improve with Ken's tips... To be a little more emotional connected to what you sing would be great... it's seems so that you don't like yourself singing ;-) Don't be so hard to yourself... start to like yourself for you singing. Don't listen to the inner critique guy :-)
  • JanEarlJanEarl 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 54
    I had to hold back a bit to keep from stepping on the tender style, but go ahead and critique it as much as possible.
    I'm only in Section 1 of the KT program so help me keep from repeating bad habits that you hear.

  • nikhilkish23nikhilkish23 2.0 PRO Posts: 12
    Hi everyone! This is my demo. I'm new to singing and would appreciate some feedback.


    Hope to get some constructive feedback!

    Thank you!
  • DWDmitriy42DWDmitriy42 Member Posts: 1
    Helllo, I'll leave here two videos. In one of them I sang Johnny Cash he's within my comfortable range for now so I hope my tone is okay at least. I lost rhythm at some moments but I didn't practice it too much I was working more on my vowels. In the other one I just sang a scale up to D4. I really struggle above middle C and would like to have some feedback what I'm doing wrong.

    Before I worked on my resonance a lot cause I just dragged vocal weight all the way up and now at least I don't scream the hell outta this but I still think something's missing. I can't figure it out yet.

    Hope to get some feedback, what's wrong with me.

    Johnny Cash
    Sing a scale

    Btw, it's been like 10 months since I started I was almost tonedeat. My voice was very constricted I almost had no head resonance whatsoever. I even couldn't git G3 freely and my muscles were so weak. I think that's quite an improvement.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @DWDmitriy42 I think you should concentrate on improving your support, this will help you sustain any note better. At the moment it sounds like the sound is all in the throat, that's why it wavers up and down a bit.
  • suz_01suz_01 2.0 PRO Posts: 9
    Hey everyone! I am finally going to post something here. I bought the pro pack back in april and have been practicing pretty consistently. Not as long as I should but doing the scales pretty often and have been practicing the same few songs over and over. I will say that I have noticed a lot of improvement just in the "ease" of singing the higher notes and holding notes. I'm posting a triad and a song for input. I am currently working on pulling back the volume so you'll notice during the triads my voice "cuts" out a time or two. I just moved into working on the volume 2 workouts. This version is my practice at bridging. Thanks!

  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    I didn’t really listen to the song cuz I’m unfamiliar with it kind of a rock guy but as for your scales, pretty good. Sounds like your straining a bit on the highest notes of the last three or four scales but damn that’s up there lol. Also sounded like you shot air on a couple up there too but if you just started vol 2 that’s to be expected. To me I thought the tone and support and everything sounded good. You might get more hits on this if you put it in the student progress report section though. I hope your practicing both bridging and chest. Keep it up!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited July 2020
    Make your AH vowel REALLY AH!. It could be more open and more "AH!" especially down at the lower scales. Start out with the purest AH you can do, really bright. If you start out with a really pure AH vowel down low, and hang on to that until you start getting really high, you can then modify from the pure AH to a modified AH and be able to go even higher. You want to save the mods for when you need them.

    Nice job taking it as high as you did. When you came down at the end, the AH was better than when you started out.

    Not bad on the song. Brighten up the tone a bit and push down on your diaphragm a bit more on the notes you emphasize, and that will help you put a little more polish on the sound. There are a lot of consonants in this song, but that's kind of the style of the song. You are sounding good.
  • suz_01suz_01 2.0 PRO Posts: 9

    I didn’t really listen to the song cuz I’m unfamiliar with it kind of a rock guy but as for your scales, pretty good. Sounds like your straining a bit on the highest notes of the last three or four scales but damn that’s up there lol. Also sounded like you shot air on a couple up there too but if you just started vol 2 that’s to be expected. To me I thought the tone and support and everything sounded good. You might get more hits on this if you put it in the student progress report section though. I hope your practicing both bridging and chest. Keep it up!!

    I didn’t really listen to the song cuz I’m unfamiliar with it kind of a rock guy but as for your scales, pretty good. Sounds like your straining a bit on the highest notes of the last three or four scales but damn that’s up there lol. Also sounded like you shot air on a couple up there too but if you just started vol 2 that’s to be expected. To me I thought the tone and support and everything sounded good. You might get more hits on this if you put it in the student progress report section though. I hope your practicing both bridging and chest. Keep it up!!

    Thank you for your input. It’s been really fun learning and seeing some results. I need to go back and check the instructions on practicing chest voice. I have this really weird rattling that happens in one of the transitions so I’m trying to work through it LOL.
  • suz_01suz_01 2.0 PRO Posts: 9
    highmtn said:

    Make your AH vowel REALLY AH!. It could be more open and more "AH!" especially down at the lower scales. Start out with the purest AH you can do, really bright. If you start out with a really pure AH vowel down low, and hang on to that until you start getting really high, you can then modify from the pure AH to a modified AH and be able to go even higher. You want to save the mods for when you need them.

    Nice job taking it as high as you did. When you came down at the end, the AH was better than when you started out.

    Not bad on the song. Brighten up the tone a bit and push down on your diaphragm a bit more on the notes you emphasize, and that will help you put a little more polish on the sound. There are a lot of consonants in this song, but that's kind of the style of the song. You are sounding good.

    Thanks. Very helpful. Even getting my mouth to open widely has been practice and stretching lol. I will keep your advice in mind about
    The AH. I struggle a bit on the lower notes with that brightness so I will continue to work at it.

  • SarahKateSarahKate 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    Hey guys

    Please please excuse the playing. I’m not a guitarist. Also under no illusions that my voice requires a lot of training. I’m wondering what to start with because I’m overwhelmed by how much I want to work on.

    Thanks so much 😏

  • Joey2426Joey2426 Member Posts: 2
    Just joined this site recently. Wanted to share a song I wrote recently. Thanks for the feedback and this awesome website!


  • FabanavitarteFabanavitarte Member Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone!

    I've been following Ken's Course for 5 months now, been taking it slowly but steady. I would love it if you could take the time to critique my voice. My influences are pretty much not that amazing in technique singers, like Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, John Mayer, I feel there comes more from their distinct tone. Any feedback is more than welcome. There are two tunes in the video one cover and one original.

    I've been singing for a year without training just following along with not much improvement and really struggling on being relaxed and my voice was so timid.

    Thanks in advance!


  • UnRealSlowUnRealSlow 2.0 ENROLLED, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 8
    Hi, blessings yall, i would love to recibe some feedback on My lah scales 🔥🔥 i'm doin volume 1
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Ok first of all you will want to post this in one of the vol 1 sections. More people will see it. I only listened to half of it There’s too much going on to comment on so I’m going to isolate the single biggest problem so you can start there. The lah triade is a scale containing 7 notes and ascends on each scale. Your singing about four notes and you keep repeating the same scale. I only listened to half of it so maybe that changes but the first two things you need to work on is hearing/matching the pitch and following the scales. I would also advise when you post more scales to make the piano a little louder so we can hear the reference pitch also. And remember post in one of the vol 1 sections
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hello, @SarahKate

    Sorry so long for a response. Really focus on your support. Go into the student areas and read up on Support. That will really make a difference in your voice, top to bottom. You'll do fine!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Your link took me to a place that said you are not sharing the file. Couldn't play it.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hi, Fabana! You need to learn to steady your breath with more solid support. You have pretty good pitch, and you have the Eric Clapton growl down well. Nice job.

  • Joey2426Joey2426 Member Posts: 2
    highmtn said:


    Your link took me to a place that said you are not sharing the file. Couldn't play it.


    Sorry about that hopefully this link works better


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    It's a very nice song, @Joey2426, . Kind of a John Mayer sound to your voice with all of that air and the jazzy feel. I couple of the lines are a little rushed, but overall it's very catchy and cool. Nice work.
  • RandyBRandyB 2.0 PRO Posts: 450
    edited September 2020
    I purchased the course last year, but haven’t been doing it as consistently as I should. I primarily like to sing karaoke and have only ever gotten feedback from friends and family—not always the most objective crowd. So, I’m looking for some criticism and things to work on. And I just got back from Memphis, so I’m on a huge Elvis kick. Thanks in advance. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dd2e0prdi7jhr0/Such A Night.m4a?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qa2t1ift4bcyxn5/Blue Moon of Kentucky.m4a?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jit5xgie3f0o1s0/That’s Alright Mama.m4a?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2zg7nuqwn01c6k6/All Shook Up.m4a?dl=0


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/amvayoz6kgb62kc/If I Can Dream.m4a?dl=0
  • Jorgeherrera21Jorgeherrera21 2.0 PRO Posts: 5
    edited September 2020
    hi all...new guy at KTVA...starting to watch the videos...my main problems as far as i know are 1) i wanna increase my range and 2) is control (apparent in this demo)....i feel my voice kind of wobbly at various parts....i hope to learn how to control my voice to make it sound more confident..any feedback is welcome....thanks...

    song's name is justice shouts hope...i wrote it and recorded all tracks in the demo...

    https://www.dropbox.com/home/My Music/Songs/Songs in English/Justice Shouts Hope?preview=JSH_DEMO.wav

    also here's a cover of the black crowes' song she talks to angels...my buddies say it's not bad...i personally think i should be able to do it way more justice...i need help..

    https://www.dropbox.com/home/My Music/Other Artists/Josh Fernandes/She Talks To Angels?preview=She+Talks+To+Angels.wav
  • Jorgeherrera21Jorgeherrera21 2.0 PRO Posts: 5
    exactly what i thought....good pitch, especially since he's such a good guitar player, he has that advantage going for him...just more air control...but im new to the course too so not sure what the solution is still...
    highmtn said:


    Hi, Fabana! You need to learn to steady your breath with more solid support. You have pretty good pitch, and you have the Eric Clapton growl down well. Nice job.


  • Jorgeherrera21Jorgeherrera21 2.0 PRO Posts: 5
    killer song....

    Hi Everyone!

    I've been following Ken's Course for 5 months now, been taking it slowly but steady. I would love it if you could take the time to critique my voice. My influences are pretty much not that amazing in technique singers, like Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, John Mayer, I feel there comes more from their distinct tone. Any feedback is more than welcome. There are two tunes in the video one cover and one original.

    I've been singing for a year without training just following along with not much improvement and really struggling on being relaxed and my voice was so timid.

    Thanks in advance!


  • DeltonHedgesDeltonHedges 2.0 PRO Posts: 42
    This is all good, but can someone actually tell me the mechanics of recording something? I gather one can somehow use soundcloud, but I am more familiar with youtube. But mainly I don't know which buttons to push on the ktva screen, or how to transfer a recording done on youtube to this site. Thank you
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Ok it’s pretty straight forward, if you have uploaded to YouTube and want to make it viewable to KTVA forum select unlisted option Otherwise select public.

    YouTube will issue you a link simply copy, paste the link into the forum post and it Should appear when you post on here on the KTVA forum.

    Hope this helps

  • DeltonHedgesDeltonHedges 2.0 PRO Posts: 42
    Thanks muchly Vocality - try tomorrow
  • Kathi_singsKathi_sings Member Posts: 2
    Hey guys,

    I'm quite new and was wondering if you could give me some feedback to this so I know from another point of view what I should focus on while practicing.


  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    This is very good rendition bright sounding vocals, I noticed an issue in the timing seams your rushing in some of the phrases it may be nerves. try practicing a line at a time record and listen carefully and you could also use a click track to help out in that area.

    Really good vocals though your getting the notes good job.

  • Kathi_singsKathi_sings Member Posts: 2

    Great! Thanks a lot. Yeah I find in still hard to concentrate on lyrics, technique and rhythm simultaneously... I'll try your advice!!!
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    I’m not familiar with the song so I can’t comment on that but your voice is very bright and crisp. Good tone. Nice job
  • DeltonHedgesDeltonHedges 2.0 PRO Posts: 42
    gvivolo said:

    Hi! I'm Gregg. I've been following Ken's instructional material for a little while now. Here is my first recording that I feel is worthy of sharing.

    i thought this was just excellent. Excellent vibrato, lovely feel, maybe KT will enable that range extention that will help you with the high note, but really, it held my attention right through. Good on you.
  • KarelKarel Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    brad1983 said:

    Here is my own little demo. I've had absolutely no vocal lessons. Just been singing for years and judged my own voice by listening to playback and comparing it with the actual singer. 

    I am not able to hear sound examples guys. Ik keep getting the notice that a wrong URL of soundcloud was used. What's going wrong here?
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606
    edited October 2020
  • KarelKarel Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Vocality said:


    Your soundcloud link not working try following instructions contained in this link https://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/14675/how-to-upload-your-audio-and-video-files-for-feedback#

    Thanks Vocality. I guess what I did wrong was just pasting the link instead of inserting it with the chain symbol. I'llt try a new link here (difference is this link is not set to private)

  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Great starting point that was a really good rendition, one thing I noticed that will improve as you progress in training is a slight froggy sound due to a raised larynx. Other than that great job and you have such a great starting point to build upon!

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @Kathi_sings Hello 🙂 This is a tough song and you did very well. Alot of what you are doing is technically is good. Your support on the money notes was nice and solid, just remember that you still to to stay supported through all notes on the way down as well. Relax between phrases, and when you are practicing, take notes of where you take breaths. Some parts you need to stay in the breath longer, make your breath last longer so you aren't breathing inbetween a phrase. Be consistent with this just like remembering the notes and how they feel, it will make your singing sound more polished. 👍🏼
  • KarelKarel Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Thanks for you feedback @Wigs and @Vocality
    My I be so bold as to ask you what in you opinion should be the right key for my to sing this in?
    I recorded it in Eflat, E, and F as well.



    I am very curious to your response.
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    E flat to my ears seems a little low, the Key of F sounded the best to me and after you build the voice in KTVA training you will be able to increase range anyway beyond what you normally sing.

    Vocality :)
  • KarelKarel Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Thanks @Vocality I really hope to increase that range!
  • BagheeBaghee Member Posts: 6
    I'm new here, but I thought I ought to post something. I don't have many recordings, but I sang in a fundraising event, about a year ago and it was recorded. The quality isn't great, sorry!
    This is me (assuming I manage to include the link!) singing a capella. It's a song called Little Tin Soldier, by Donovan...

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @Baghee That was a nice song and acapella can be difficult to stay in key. I think you did a pretty good job, you'll be pleasantly suprised how much you can improve what you already have, with a regular practice schedule.
  • BagheeBaghee Member Posts: 6
    My mum used to sing it to me, when I was a kid. The backing track for the song I was meant to do, Nothing Compares 2U, failed, so this was a last minute substitute, dedicated to my mum.
  • zappafrkzappafrk 2.0 PRO Posts: 2
    Hey everyone, My name is Mike and I've been playing drums for about 48 years (I started playing when I was 4) and I never learned how to sing, but always wanted to. I'm currently playing with my friend in an acoustic duo and want to help out with harmonies and maybe even sing a few songs myself, so I figured it's about time to learn ..after all these years. I've been working on Ken's course since Feb. of 2020 although I bought it in Jan. of 2019. I've been doing around a half hour to 45 minutes 4 or 5 days a week and I think I'm ready for some feedback. In the essence of not wasting anyone's time I'll ask a few questions first, 1 - is this where I'd post my video? 2 - What would be the best thing to post? i.e which scale or vowel sound would be the best to assess my progress? Thanks for any and all feedback and I look forward to growing my voice with you all!
  • ElaraElara Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 352
    Hi @zappafrk! The best thing to post is a recording of yourself (video preferred, but audio-only is okay) doing the LAH workout. Post it twice: once where you are stretching chest, and the other when you are bridging. The best place to post is in the student area of the forum, in the Student Progress Report section of the Volume 1 category. You can check the sidebar on the right for the different categories.
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  • LAlves91LAlves91 Member Posts: 1

    I'm a singing student from Brazil. I've been taking lessons for about a year or so. It can be seen as a long time, but I have a lot of problems I had to work on, insecurity and fear of expression being one of the biggest, which I'm still working on to this day.

    I feel like one step to conquer this problem is to put myself out there and to get some feedback from people who don't really know me...raw feedback hahahah

    So, here are a few recordings I did lately:

    As english is not my native language, there will be some weird words/vowels...feedbacks on it are deeply apreciated!

  • MasterNewbMasterNewb Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2021
    forgot backing track. Srry for the spam
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