Nice job, @KevinGrem! Good to see you on a stage again. The last band vid you posted looked like everyone was disconnected.
Vocally, you are a good fit for these guys. I would like to see you kind of getting into the same space the other band members are in. Kind of the way Rob Halford does in Judas Priest, where they all line up and headbang in unison, or get the stance together and just rock out. Make it look like you are getting energy from the musicians and like you are giving energy to them. Same between you and the audience. Really draw it out of them!
Look at those guys in the front row shaking their fists and banging their heads in time to the music. You should be feeding off of them and giving it back to them in spades. I'm not knocking your presence. I just see how close you are to going over the edge and giving the band and the audience the powerhouse generator that will help a band like that to detonate. Those guys in the front row are dying to interact with you.
I can tell the band accepts you. So accept them and maybe get a little more on the level of explosive rocking out that your bandmates are doing. Lots of aggressive head nodding and making formations on the stage. Rock poses. ENERGY to the MAX!
@KevinGrem quite cool. Your drummer is interesting... his face was completely covered by his hair ... I’ve never seen anyone play like that before. Looked awesome.
Hi Guys. Being very vulnerable on this one. I took Like a Hurricane to the correct key which is right on low vocal break (D4/E4).4 I have to say it's getting easier but man do I have to have a ton of support to sing those two notes. The F4 is starting to come in as well.
@stratman I liked this version of yours too. You seem to be able to capture the feeling in Neil Young's voice pretty well. I did notice the parts you mentioned that are giving you trouble, but I think if you just practice the lines that are giving you trouble, then you should have that down in no time.
To me both the lower, and higher octave tracks worked for each version. Acoustic/electric
Guys, I had another go at Hurt (Johnny Cash) today. Really focused on holding back to brighten the tone. I'm quite pleased with the guitar sound I got ... I played the guitar track a 2nd time and panned both guitars slightly left and right to get a stereo sound.
I'm honestly not that passionate about this band, sorry to say. I like them only enough to stay with them and do my job. They have a full-length album that they recorded a few years back that they want me to go along with and learn the songs since they're done. But, the goal is to work together to create a new album with my input.
My hope, actually, is that they would learn a few of my songs.
Things just got kind of screwed up because Leon's brother passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. That hurts us. I'm also going through family issues myself that are not fully resolved yet.
You have many of the sonic characteristics of Neil Young. But you're right, this is going to take even more support is some areas. Stability has inconsistencies here and there.
Hurt sounds stunning. Absolutely top shelf! Good job.
I guess I'll take this video down because it contains the F word and I have noticed that this forum tries to be very clean. I curse a lot to be honest haha, and I do say some controversial and offensive things from time to time. Hell, the band name is OFFENSIVE.
I am a male, 20 and I just started learning to sing about 6 months ago. I have not had a teacher yet though I plan to get one soon. Would love any feedback on this quick song. I did this at a karaoke place and recorded on my phone so sorry for bad audio quality. Anyway, thanks for any responses.
Hi, everyone, I've done a cover version of A Simple Man by Bad Company. Your feedback, especially Ken's and Bob's would be awesome. All the best to all of you. Keep rocking)
Hi, I've been a member for about a year now, and I probably fall into the Weekend Warrior camp, regardless, KTVA has been enormously helpful to me in my vocal pursuits. I'm pretty solid into Volume 2 and the payoff has been extraordinary!
I'm not quite sure how to use this forum correctly but I wanted to post a track of my work so I could get some feedback and jump into the fray! Here's a SoundCloud file I cut this week, my version of Desert Plains, by Judas Priest.
Please let me know if I'm using the forum incorrectly in some way, and looking forward to joining the conversation, thanks so much.
@Andrey I really like the tone you have, especially in the lower range with a great vibrato. You're doing well to be able to do those higher notes in chest voice ... maybe could benefit from a little less weight?
@ashblack generally very good. You have a pleasant bright tone. Maybe a little breathy at times but could be the style you're trying to emulate. A little pitchy as you get higher in pitch but down lower is very good. I really liked this.
@Andrey I really like the tone you have, especially in the lower range with a great vibrato. You're doing well to be able to do those higher notes in chest voice ... maybe could benefit from a little less weight?
Thank you so much, Rob, for your comment. Mostly you are right, but this song draws out everything that you have and you are, both physically and emotionally. It feels like if you think better with your head you won't be able to express everything you feel through it. If I hadn't tried it, I'd have given myself the same piece of advise)) Thank you much.
@Andrey Sounds good. I agree with stratman's suggestion to pare down the weight in those higher notes. That girth will hold you back. But you sound very good.
Another thing you can improve is to get a little lighter on the consonants, and rely almost exclusively on the vowels. Almost. You have to find that right balance where you minimize the consonants, yet include them just enough to make the lyrics work. It's a fine balance.
I like your tone, and you have tons of power. Make sure you push down on your diaphragm to act as a shock absorber for your cords. That will help you to avoid oversinging.
@Andrey I really like the tone you have, especially in the lower range with a great vibrato. You're doing well to be able to do those higher notes in chest voice ... maybe could benefit from a little less weight?
@Andrey Sounds good. I agree with stratman's suggestion to pare down the weight in those higher notes. That girth will hold you back. But you sound very good.
Another thing you can improve is to get a little lighter on the consonants, and rely almost exclusively on the vowels. Almost. You have to find that right balance where you minimize the consonants, yet include them just enough to make the lyrics work. It's a fine balance.
I like your tone, and you have tons of power. Make sure you push down on your diaphragm to act as a shock absorber for your cords. That will help you to avoid oversinging.
I'm guessing you don't have Ken's course?
Thank you, so much.) It's hard to express in words how happy I feel getting such evaluation from you. Everything I'm able to show today is the result of thorough studying Ken's tutorials and videos of his teaching Adam, Joshua, Gabby and others. Ken is actually very generous man, because all mentioned above contains 90% info about his unique method. Thank God we have people like him and you and others helping all aspiring singers. I virtually undersign every word that you wrote to me. It was the fourteenth take I guess and I just tried to express everything I had inside. One shouldn't even "sniff" songs like that without understanding glotal compression, support and relying on vowels. I earn my living hard working at 3 jobs. That period it took most of my time and I didn't make it. Thanks a lot. God bless you. Andrey
Your hard work shows, @Andrey. The drive that you have to succeed with your voice will take you a long way. You can be proud of what you have accomplished. Keep up the good work!
@petersoar, The recording is pretty bad, it's really hard to make out what you're doing over the crowd noise and distortion, but you're hitting some amazing notes. Nice job.
Been away for work for the last two weeks which gave me an opportunity to reflect on my progress. I did some volume 3 practice in the car on the way to/from the work place each day with the sole focus of holding back as much as I could without distorting. What I noticed is that it is much easier to sing over my whole range with a very 'pingy' sound. I applied this to a couple of hymns I recently sang at church and was surprised how much more presence is created.
@highmtn I'm on the verge of distortion on this sample. I assume pulling back further would get me into 'safe' distortion?
> @highmtn said: > @petersoar, > The recording is pretty bad, it's really hard to make out what you're doing over the crowd noise and distortion, but you're hitting some amazing notes. Nice job.
That's live iPad recording for ya! thanks kind sir. I'd love to be able to get a bit more weight up top but as much as I try, it's generally quite "mix"-y rather than belty. Too much blending training I guess. XD
Here’s a clearer example of what happens in that upper part of my range and also shows the transition into the lower part.
Is it supported? As a music fan (not necessarily a coach or critic), would you wanna hear this in your day to day listening? (That’s important). I don’t mean necessarily Acapella. I just mean in the context of a song. Don’t worry, I hear my voice very objectively and am changing it all the time so you can be harsh if it’s honest.
I'm not one who's really into acapella, but it sounds supported pretty well as far as I can tell from a 15 second clip. Not sure if you're singing in key or not, but it sounds supported.
I'm not one who's really into acapella, but it sounds supported pretty well as far as I can tell from a 15 second clip. Not sure if you're singing in key or not, but it sounds supported.
Peace, Tony
Oh that’s good. I’m trying really hard not to push my voice out any further than an inch or 2 from my mouth which helps as a cue for holding the air back.
It’s in the key of E, roughly speaking, if that helps
Hey, Rob! I've been pretty busy, just saw your tag above. Here's some feedback: You have REALLY improved over the time you have been here. About midway through your song, I realized that I used to always hear some intonation problems here and there in your demos. This entire song is spot-on. I also used to ask you to make it brighter. Your tone is impeccable now. You used to sound like somebody kind of struggling to get through a demo. Now you sound like... a SINGER! A REAL SINGER! Not a wannabe. I'm very proud of the progress you have made, and the hurdles you have crossed to bring your craft to this level. I still think you can improve that much more, and have no doubt that you will continue to grow and bring more style and flair into your singing.
Still working with the course (volume 2 and parts of volume 3), soon will bring more updates
Voice is getting better and better, here is my interpretation of The Rains of Castamere, was inspired to find the metal version and reading the 4th book right now!
Getting the power back and working with sound compression much better! \m/
Your hard work shows, @Andrey. The drive that you have to succeed with your voice will take you a long way. You can be proud of what you have accomplished. Keep up the good work!
Here’s a clearer example of what happens in that upper part of my range and also shows the transition into the lower part.
Is it supported? As a music fan (not necessarily a coach or critic), would you wanna hear this in your day to day listening? (That’s important). I don’t mean necessarily Acapella. I just mean in the context of a song. Don’t worry, I hear my voice very objectively and am changing it all the time so you can be harsh if it’s honest.
Yes, definitely I would listen to it and hope I will. It's really supported and has made me think about a voice reincarnation, cause your voice sounds really like that of Jeff Buckley. You are on the right track, I'm sure, so keep doing what you do)
Hi everyone, this is my first posting here! This is a very different song: it's a classical one, in german, from Schubert/Goethe, but I'm pretty sure it was received as the rock/heavy metal equivalent in the time it was composed. Techniques are somewhat different from the ones applied on the pop/rock/heavy metal songs, but the foundations are the same for what I've watched Ken explain on YT - btw explanations that really helped me.
Hope you guys like it, and feedbacks are very welcome!
very cool. I think you recorded it direct to your camcorder. Guess what a professional mixing engineer could make out of that. Very powerful. Congratulations.
Nice videos here. Good job everyone. You guys are inspirational. I see many of you have a studio setup, but still record sound with a phone. You should look into shooting the video with phone, and recording your voice with a daw like ableton live, logic, cubase or whatever on top of extracted karaoke version of the track. Apply some vocal processing, and mix the levels with the background track. Render that audio out, and apply on top of the video you shot. Result will be totally different story
Delta Goodrem Australian Piano player vocalist is my vocal idol, eventhough i am a guitarist. I was watching Ken Tamplin on YouTube and I have found out alot of things, but I feel I can Almost get to a passable point.
My goal is not to be an Idol winner, but be able to have a comfortable quality level of being able to pull off pop rock songs especially of the 90's. like if I could combine my voice with my lead guitar playing and kill it at an open mic night then I'd be happy with performing pretty much anywhere.
kind of feeling i should give up, but I know if i do i failonly myself
WOW @DustyFunk you can sing girl!! I love the tone of your voice and enjoyed listening to your two demos. Little black wolf is so touching, I think your friend will be very moved by it.
I don't feel qualified to critique as you're way above me with your singing, all I can say if you sound this good at the start of your journey here think of where you can go with Ken's superb training!!
@ContraltoLivesMatter why do you want to give up. That sounds great! If you give up you will never achieve your goal but if you don’t give up you will achieve it no matter how long it takes. Just keep going. You have great tone.
@KevinGrem oh wow I loved the Deep Purple song !!! One of my favorite songs too. You have a brilliant voice I’m not qualified to critique as I have only just started. I just loved listening
There should be a little icon that appears in the top right of the message box, I think at the side the time of posting and flag is at. There you can edit the message.
@kurzweil I wondered why you seem to be inviting anyone to listen to your video and yet a message states; Video unavailable and private ?? I've seen this a few times on this forum... My sincere thanks to Ken Tamplin for his video tutorials and demonstrations. He's been sharing precious information helping us all. God bless him and all the people helping to run KTVA. Your feedback would be awesome. Please, do what you love and love what you do.
Wow @Andrey , that's sounds so good! Tbh it's the first time I'm hearing this song and really dig it - parts with slight distortion the most. Shame to admit but I've never really dived into Chris Cornell's songs, I shall change that. Keep it up Hey guys, i was kind of trying to learn a Matt Corby song called "Belly side up". I know it's pitchy, cant really play and sing at the same time yet. What do you think? Cheers
I am a 55 year old guy that wanted to try this song for the first time. I have avoided to sing the song since Steve Perry is such an icon and I am just a semi-old and semi-professional Swede. But now we have this awful pandemic situation and I needed to cheer myself up and my (small) audience.
For the record. I used to be a professional singer in my youth. But I stopped entirely to sing for 25 years. Then, by coincidence, Gino Vannelli heard me in some old recordings and wanted to record a few songs with me. Crazy.
Well of course the song is high. But that is is ok for me - it's just a matter of focus. The challenge is to sing it light, with an ok pronunciation and feel. Normally I sing more like Gino Vannelli type of songs. Do you think this could work for me? Or should go back singing softer types of music? If you have any to say about my vocal technique. Please feel welcome. I don not get strained very easily. But I am not near as perfect as Ken, Steve Perry or other super-singers out there.
@pidde24 That was very well done! Have you still been singing consistently just for fun because it doesn't sound like you have taken so much time off. The only things I can really pick up on for your technique was a couple times you didn't hold onto support for the high notes and you are quite forward in the mask, but I'm not able to get close to that anyway 🙂
I like using 30 second (or so) improvised phrases Going through lots of different aspects of technique. It feel efficient as a method but what do you guys think?
I´m in Volume 1 of KTVA now for 3 Month Here is my Version of "You know my name" from Chris Cornell from Yesterday. I have just a little Compressor on the Voice. No EQ, no autotune, Melodyne... My sincere thanks to Ken Tamplin for his video tutorials and demonstrations. He's been sharing precious information helping us all. God bless him and all the people helping to run KTVA. Your feedback would be awesome. Please, do what you love and love what you do.
@philmaher Def Leppard are one of my favourite bands, and that cover was awesome! I loved your voice in it, with the unique touches you put on some of the phrasings, and the guitar and bass playing were great. Fantastic job!
Hello its my new song and i really need some comments on my work to get better so please don't delete my songs...its a love song and is called Red Hair and i welcome harsh comments too
@Namira It sounds like it has potential. I think the guitar sounds better than the vocals.
I would suggest you try to make your vocal melodies simpler. Work on nailing some of the pitches better before adding so many notes, especially those at the end of the phrase, because if those aren't on it sticks out noticeably not so good.
Hello.... I´m new in this course. Looking forward to the journey :-) I´m from Czech Republic, same as Gabriela Guncikova :-) I´ve been singing in bands ca 8 years of my life here and there, but the voice didn´t develop much, I don´t have the talents, Honestly I think my voice doesn´t have any potential. It is just somehow pleasant to some people and ok. But I´m not happy with it at all. Here is a song a learned a week ago, my starting point, and I hope this course will get me to new universe :-)
How long have you done the vocal exercises? I have been training in the course (Volume one exercises) for about eight months. It felt like it will take ages to gain results but lately, I've noticed the voice is getting stronger. The steps forward have been slow even though at least some kind of progress has been there all the time.
I'm not sure if I am doing everything perfectly but I've asked for help and applied the instructions the best way I can. The bridging is quite easy now and I can do the scales fully. The head voice is not very strong yet, however. Stretching is also much easier now and I can do the top note almost every time.
I practiced for years by just singing and I really can feel the difference. It is night/day level difference. In the beginning, I lost some range as I started to avoid high notes when singing but I realized that it just must be done that way.
So I think your singing has potential and you should gain power if you just keep practicing. As the muscles are getting stronger, you will feel it. And it can be heard also by the listeners.
I haven´t started training, I entered this course 3 days ago, so I´m completely untrained. Thank you for your reply and description of your journey. I wish you good luck :-)
The course will cause progress. My intention was to bring it up. Of course, if you have a personal vocal coach, it would be ideal I think. Then you could get instant feedback and you do not have to think if the course will work for me or not.
Maybe it will be different for you. But I have had mixed feelings for months about what will happen to me.
I still cannot give anyone any specific feedback that would be a piece of advice to correct anything in his/her singing. I only can comment if someone sounds better than he/she thinks. But luckily there are people around here that can do that.
To my ears, you are able to hit the notes pretty well and it sounds like you are a skillful singer. However, I cannot provide any analysis of the singing technique here. It is just my intuition that you must do something right.
Thanks! The distortion doesn’t hurt at all, I think there’s room for improvement though. I have a tendency to close off the throat when singing really hard so I’m trying to be better at relaxing the sound
Good to see you on a stage again. The last band vid you posted looked like everyone was disconnected.
Vocally, you are a good fit for these guys. I would like to see you kind of getting into the same space the other band members are in. Kind of the way Rob Halford does in Judas Priest, where they all line up and headbang in unison, or get the stance together and just rock out. Make it look like you are getting energy from the musicians and like you are giving energy to them. Same between you and the audience. Really draw it out of them!
Look at those guys in the front row shaking their fists and banging their heads in time to the music. You should be feeding off of them and giving it back to them in spades. I'm not knocking your presence. I just see how close you are to going over the edge and giving the band and the audience the powerhouse generator that will help a band like that to detonate. Those guys in the front row are dying to interact with you.
I can tell the band accepts you. So accept them and maybe get a little more on the level of explosive rocking out that your bandmates are doing. Lots of aggressive head nodding and making formations on the stage. Rock poses. ENERGY to the MAX!
All Hell Breaking Loose, in other words.
How do you think I'm going?
I did notice the parts you mentioned that are giving you trouble, but I think if you just practice the lines that are giving you trouble, then you should have that down in no time.
To me both the lower, and higher octave tracks worked for each version. Acoustic/electric
Peace, Tony
Guys, I had another go at Hurt (Johnny Cash) today. Really focused on holding back to brighten the tone. I'm quite pleased with the guitar sound I got ... I played the guitar track a 2nd time and panned both guitars slightly left and right to get a stereo sound.
I'm honestly not that passionate about this band, sorry to say. I like them only enough to stay with them and do my job. They have a full-length album that they recorded a few years back that they want me to go along with and learn the songs since they're done. But, the goal is to work together to create a new album with my input.
My hope, actually, is that they would learn a few of my songs.
Things just got kind of screwed up because Leon's brother passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. That hurts us. I'm also going through family issues myself that are not fully resolved yet.
Things are kind of a mess. Everywhere.
You have many of the sonic characteristics of Neil Young. But you're right, this is going to take even more support is some areas. Stability has inconsistencies here and there.
Hurt sounds stunning. Absolutely top shelf! Good job.
We offend people because that's our schtick.
Viva Lad Vida
I will follow you into the dark.
Your feedback, especially Ken's and Bob's would be awesome.
All the best to all of you. Keep rocking)
I'm not quite sure how to use this forum correctly but I wanted to post a track of my work so I could get some feedback and jump into the fray! Here's a SoundCloud file I cut this week, my version of Desert Plains, by Judas Priest.
Please let me know if I'm using the forum incorrectly in some way, and looking forward to joining the conversation, thanks so much.
Sounds good. I agree with stratman's suggestion to pare down the weight in those higher notes. That girth will hold you back. But you sound very good.
Another thing you can improve is to get a little lighter on the consonants, and rely almost exclusively on the vowels. Almost. You have to find that right balance where you minimize the consonants, yet include them just enough to make the lyrics work. It's a fine balance.
I like your tone, and you have tons of power. Make sure you push down on your diaphragm to act as a shock absorber for your cords. That will help you to avoid oversinging.
I'm guessing you don't have Ken's course?
Thank you, so much.) It's hard to express in words how happy I feel getting such evaluation from you. Everything I'm able to show today is the result of thorough studying Ken's tutorials and videos of his teaching Adam, Joshua, Gabby and others.
Ken is actually very generous man, because all mentioned above contains 90% info about his unique method. Thank God we have people like him and you and others helping all aspiring singers.
I virtually undersign every word that you wrote to me. It was the fourteenth take I guess and I just tried to express everything I had inside. One shouldn't even "sniff" songs like that without understanding glotal compression, support and relying on vowels. I earn my living hard working at 3 jobs. That period it took most of my time and I didn't make it.
Thanks a lot. God bless you.
How is it?
Jeff Buckley- So Real
The recording is pretty bad, it's really hard to make out what you're doing over the crowd noise and distortion, but you're hitting some amazing notes. Nice job.
@highmtn I'm on the verge of distortion on this sample. I assume pulling back further would get me into 'safe' distortion?
> @petersoar,
> The recording is pretty bad, it's really hard to make out what you're doing over the crowd noise and distortion, but you're hitting some amazing notes. Nice job.
That's live iPad recording for ya!
Here’s a clearer example of what happens in that upper part of my range and also shows the transition into the lower part.
Is it supported? As a music fan (not necessarily a coach or critic), would you wanna hear this in your day to day listening? (That’s important). I don’t mean necessarily Acapella. I just mean in the context of a song. Don’t worry, I hear my voice very objectively and am changing it all the time so you can be harsh if it’s honest.
Peace, Tony
It’s in the key of E, roughly speaking, if that helps
Thankyou for the feedback.
Hey, Rob! I've been pretty busy, just saw your tag above. Here's some feedback: You have REALLY improved over the time you have been here. About midway through your song, I realized that I used to always hear some intonation problems here and there in your demos. This entire song is spot-on. I also used to ask you to make it brighter. Your tone is impeccable now. You used to sound like somebody kind of struggling to get through a demo. Now you sound like... a SINGER! A REAL SINGER! Not a wannabe. I'm very proud of the progress you have made, and the hurdles you have crossed to bring your craft to this level. I still think you can improve that much more, and have no doubt that you will continue to grow and bring more style and flair into your singing.
Oh, yeah, and nice song choice.
All the Best!
Voice is getting better and better, here is my interpretation of The Rains of Castamere, was inspired to find the metal version and reading the 4th book right now!
Getting the power back and working with sound compression much better! \m/
P.S. Also working with the band to bring 2nd LP!
Hope you guys like it, and feedbacks are very welcome!
Lyrics translation (a ballad by Goethe):
very cool. I think you recorded it direct to your camcorder. Guess what a professional mixing engineer could make out of that. Very powerful. Congratulations.
Mixing sounds like a good idea.
Better quality videos and sound is what I aim for.
If you have any advice for this let me know!
Delta Goodrem Australian Piano player vocalist is my vocal idol, eventhough i am a guitarist.
I was watching Ken Tamplin on YouTube and I have found out alot of things, but I feel I can Almost get to a passable point.
My goal is not to be an Idol winner, but be able to have a comfortable quality level of being able to pull off pop rock songs especially of the 90's. like if I could combine my voice with my lead guitar playing and kill it at an open mic night then I'd be happy with performing pretty much anywhere.
kind of feeling i should give up, but I know if i do i failonly myself
I don't feel qualified to critique as you're way above me with your singing, all I can say if you sound this good at the start of your journey here think of where you can go with Ken's superb training!!
congrats, very cool version. Well done, mate.
I held a mic 2 feet from my mouth, hooked up to an iRig, hooked up to my phone for this. It's a cover of a cover with lots of improv.
The higher bits start half way through if that's what you're interested in. Are those top notes mixed or chest-voice'd, would you say???
I don't tend to "open throat" stuff until things get higher and louder. Is that a fair observation??
Any overall criticism??
I’m a beginner as far as trying to improve and train my voice. What can I do to make my voice more stable? And constructive criticism welcome
cool rendition. Why don't you post it in a new discussion? - Go to and click on new discussion at the top. I like it.
My sincere thanks to Ken Tamplin for his video tutorials and demonstrations. He's been sharing precious information helping us all. God bless him and all the people helping to run KTVA.
Your feedback would be awesome. Please, do what you love and love what you do.
Tbh it's the first time I'm hearing this song and really dig it - parts with slight distortion the most.
Shame to admit but I've never really dived into Chris Cornell's songs, I shall change that.
Keep it up
Hey guys, i was kind of trying to learn a Matt Corby song called "Belly side up". I know it's pitchy, cant really play and sing at the same time yet. What do you think?
I decided to try some of Def Leppard's Animal! Let me know what you think!!
I am a 55 year old guy that wanted to try this song for the first time. I have avoided to sing the song since Steve Perry is such an icon and I am just a semi-old and semi-professional Swede. But now we have this awful pandemic situation and I needed to cheer myself up and my (small) audience.
For the record. I used to be a professional singer in my youth. But I stopped entirely to sing for 25 years. Then, by coincidence, Gino Vannelli heard me in some old recordings and wanted to record a few songs with me. Crazy.
Well of course the song is high. But that is is ok for me - it's just a matter of focus. The challenge is to sing it light, with an ok pronunciation and feel. Normally I sing more like Gino Vannelli type of songs. Do you think this could work for me? Or should go back singing softer types of music? If you have any to say about my vocal technique. Please feel welcome. I don not get strained very easily. But I am not near as perfect as Ken, Steve Perry or other super-singers out there.
Take care.
Peter Majanen, Stockholm
any feeedback welcome.... been working the program about two years. i know i sound a touch stuffy due to the season we are currently in. thanks!
I´m in Volume 1 of KTVA now for 3 Month Here is my Version of "You know my name" from Chris Cornell from Yesterday. I have just a little Compressor on the Voice. No EQ, no autotune, Melodyne...
Any feedback welcome! Thank you very much
Best regards Oli
All criticism welcome
Enjoy + any comments feedback much appreciated :-)
I would suggest you try to make your vocal melodies simpler. Work on nailing some of the pitches better before adding so many notes, especially those at the end of the phrase, because if those aren't on it sticks out noticeably not so good.
I’d love some feedback. I’m sure there a billion things wrong here. Even more than the million that I catch
Here is a song a learned a week ago, my starting point, and I hope this course will get me to new universe :-)
I'm not sure if I am doing everything perfectly but I've asked for help and applied the instructions the best way I can. The bridging is quite easy now and I can do the scales fully. The head voice is not very strong yet, however. Stretching is also much easier now and I can do the top note almost every time.
I practiced for years by just singing and I really can feel the difference. It is night/day level difference. In the beginning, I lost some range as I started to avoid high notes when singing but I realized that it just must be done that way.
So I think your singing has potential and you should gain power if you just keep practicing. As the muscles are getting stronger, you will feel it. And it can be heard also by the listeners.
Thank you for your reply and description of your journey. I wish you good luck :-)
Maybe it will be different for you. But I have had mixed feelings for months about what will happen to me.
I still cannot give anyone any specific feedback that would be a piece of advice to correct anything in his/her singing. I only can comment if someone sounds better than he/she thinks. But luckily there are people around here that can do that.
Here's a short cover I did of "Bleed It Out" By Linkin Park. Not sure how good this is (or isn't) so any feedback is appreciated