With Ken Tamplin's help, I am now comfortably singing with power and tone in the upper baritone ranges that I never thought were possible in the past. Now I can belt Bb4s with ease in full chest voice. I thought this was physically impossible 1 year ago. My range has truly expanded. You can hear that every note I sing is in full chest voice in this sample.
I made this vocals video today to pay my respects to Malcolm Young, AC/DC Guitarist, the way he would have wanted. MALCOLM, A REAL LIVE WIRE, we will miss you!
Hi All! Best of the Season to you :-) Here's an Original demo with a good ole buddy of mine from my hometown providing the instrumentals. He sent me the music track to China just the other day. Put on your dancin' shoes! It's called "You Wear It Well" Peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCYGX_Fmpuk
Thank you @stratman and @everdrone. Long time no see - hope you guys are well! It seems you guys have been busy, I'm looking forward to scrolling up the list here and having a listen to all your tunes! Peace Out & Have a Great December! Johan
Hello! New here and new to KTVA. Been singing in my living room for just over a year. Was looking for a vocal coach and stumbled across Ken on Youtube a few months ago. I got excited when I heard he released the new program and signed up... I know basically zero but look forward to learning and improving. This is a Ryan Adams song I recorded on my phone a few nights ago. Any comments or suggestions are welcome, thanks for listening!
Hello! New here and new to KTVA. Been singing in my living room for just over a year. Was looking for a vocal coach and stumbled across Ken on Youtube a few months ago. I got excited when I heard he released the new program and signed up... I know basically zero but look forward to learning and improving. This is a Ryan Adams song I recorded on my phone a few nights ago. Any comments or suggestions are welcome, thanks for listening!
I am sad to say that I've never heard this song but now that I'm singing there is a whole new world of songs I'm checking out. It sounds like you got this song down and did you sing it a lot over the last year?
Hi All! Best of the Season to you :-) Here's an Original demo with a good ole buddy of mine from my hometown providing the instrumentals. He sent me the music track to China just the other day. Put on your dancin' shoes! It's called "You Wear It Well" Peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCYGX_Fmpuk
Right on: I think it's got a good feel with that wonky guitar sound and vocal rock.
Hi guys it's me again and this time I come here to present you my new song which I sang in portuguese There are some low notes, some high, a little bit of belting and lighter sounds, please let me know what you think
What I find awesome about singing songs in other languages is that there are tones we North Americans are hungry for such as that Justine Bieber song of 2017. Glad you sing in your language and keep up the good work.
I'm feeling really great to be honest. I keep getting better and better at controlling how much volume I use when I sing, so I can allow my equipment bring out the sound I want to have without having to push myself.
Sometimes I have a raspiness in my voice that I think really works awesome. I aim to sing clean but if I get a raspy effect without having to change anything than I think it's fine.
In practicing with no band sometimes I wonder if any progress is being made, and then when I go to sing with people I am amazed by how easily I can sing with no difficulty.
Right now I'm trying to promote and sell my album. If you can help me with that or if you know anyone who can help then please let me know.
good to hear some of your story there @KevinGrem and I have yet to be eh bow to sing that kind of style - must take a while to develop the kind of vocal
Very cool. Nice tone, good support. Watch out on those broken-up screams. You might hurt your cords doing that very often. I suggest you cut the volume back a little more on those if you want your voice to last a long time.
Just passed my third anniversary of learning to sing with KTVA ... Here's what I sound like now. A song that many of you have heard me sing before. I thought I'd do a slightly different take on it ... this is a single take with very subtle effects (and no pitch correction ) . I'm happy with the sound I got on my acoustic ... pickup is going through tone stack on my ipad and also via mic to catch my pick and finger sounds (both panned slightly)
@Stratman Sounds good. I like the stripped down more intimate versions of songs like that. Plus you made it your own instead of trying to sound like Chris Cornell which was also cool. Good work! (watch those chord changes ha ha)
@videoace yeah ... these one take wonders do show up imperfections well ... can’t believe I stuffed that Bm at 10 sec in I thought I might get away with it
thanks so much @SteveK I love the feedback it energizes me! I recorded a few more yesterday, this one came out the best I think: The Mephistopheles Of Los Angeles - Marilyn Manson vocal cover by Ron
thank you @SteveK !! I had a request for me to take them down and work on my music for my GnR tribute, and feel that it was legit and so I honored it...Keep rockin' yall!! Thanks again
Howdy KTVA Dudes and Divas! Got together with some of my old buddies at Bandhub A little Godsmack - circa 1998 :-) https://youtu.be/Zl61bAxR_RU Enjoy! Peace
Howday KTVA - Where can 'you' feel it? I didn't realize how challenging this one would be until I actually tried singing it! Ouff! https://youtu.be/WARqDg6u8oQ
@Artickus I feel like some of the tones you are singing don't fit well with the background music. There are some pitch issues on some parts. At the start, I would keep the throat a bit more open ''Evereh TAAAM'', ''All these LAAANS'' and get a little more support into them. The final high scream in the chorus was off pitch, but still. Slowly building up the support to get there. Not a bad job really, it's a really difficult song. (Although this might just be a different interpretation). Dream on! lol.
@Diego Thanks for your feedback and tips, yeah I feel I just got too hard on the starting ones and got too much weight in those negotiations which also leads to pitch problem, that's the transitions I need to work hard But that's a clear reason, record, listen - get - feedback - improve - repeat
Unfortunately, pitch itself never being on my strong side, still way to go, step by step, day by day, it's lifetime journey
Honestly, I'm still just so glad to be able to sing at all
I'm finally getting more comfortable with my upper mid voice, so I did a song I've wanted to do for a long time. This song used to be so hard for me to sing, now I feel pretty comfortable. Still got enough room for improvement though...
Your voice sounds good in the context of the music. If you were to develop more power and command of your voice, then it would be that much better. But there is no one single thing like "do this" and you'll be done. The voice is something that is built over time. You can strengthen your voice through workouts and exercises and maximize it through better technique, but you're well on your way to singing well. We can all improve by working our voices and training.
Very good for a starter video. You'll find that you get a lot more control and power from doing Ken's exercises and techniques. I think TommyM made some good, valid comments about this video. You will do well with the course!
Hey guys! Looking for some feedback on my singing. I have been always been more of a guitarist but a couple of years ago I became interested in singing. I just had a go at RavenLight by Kamelot. Any comments, tips or constructive criticism would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
@jerek Have you considered sacking your existing singer and taking over? Hahaha! That's really good, you have a really nice tone to your voice and I hear good control there. You also look completely effortless so it's really great to see no straining or pushing from someone sharing their first video on here!
Are you doing KTVA? If not, do your voice the pleasure of getting it. You've got a lot of really great potential there and this is really well recorded. I look forward to hearing more from you!
@jerek Have you considered sacking your existing singer and taking over? Hahaha! That's really good, you have a really nice tone to your voice and I hear good control there. You also look completely effortless so it's really great to see no straining or pushing from someone sharing their first video on here!
Are you doing KTVA? If not, do your voice the pleasure of getting it. You've got a lot of really great potential there and this is really well recorded. I look forward to hearing more from you!
Don't have a singer nor a band for that matter, haha! But thanks! I actually quit smoking like a week before recording that cover and I don't think singing those higher notes has ever been easier, the amount of effort I used to put into them was crazy compared to now and I can feel it getting even easier and my range bigger.
I'm not doing KTVA yet, been really interested in it though!
That was pretty good Kevin. I like the way you combined Paul Rodgers, and Ivan Moody. It was off in a couple of spots, but still sounded good. Nice Job!
@jerek that was awesome. Absolutely loved it. Beautiful switches to head voice and great control throughout ... and only a couple of years singing ... wow.
@KevinGrem Very nice, I like the high notes. Only thing I would say is lower the backing track a bit, and get a little closer to the microphone on some of the the lower parts.
@jerek All I have to say is, wow. I don't think I need more words for that.
Really well done All the best,
Thanks guys, happy you enjoyed the cover!
Speaking of covers, just recorded a new one. Roy Khan released music recently so I made an arrangement of the song, programmed the instruments, played the acoustic guitars and sang the song. The song is called For All and here's a link, hope you like it!
There are a couple of pitch places in the low section you need to focus on a little. At 0:38 "Hard" on G# is a little off, and at 1:26 the D# to C# on "away" needs a little practice.
The high parts are dynamite. This is excellent, especially considering the vocal setbacks you have had to overcome. Your voice is dynamic and powerful. Just go over these notes with a fine-toothed comb and make sure there are no sharp or flat areas that need to be smoothed-out.
@highmtn Thanks, I feel them, just I little more and more practice as it feels, kinda hard in lows for me, as all these transitions (but I can feel so much better and all those cool places which are now there and flexibility I get), at least each verse and each chorus is a consistent part single take with no cuts
1:26 that melismatic flew out of my head, to be honest
All the best!
P.S. That should be G#2? I suppose something around A2(maybe even A#2) is the lowest I can sustain kinda good when singing live, when I train I can get somewhere like G2, just discovering my lows a bit.
P.S.2 Dynamite is how I feel when I sing that mostly because of Ken.
That's great ping in there, @stratman! It really makes the intonation be right on the money! Very precise. One thing that I noticed is how you go MEEEEEEEEEEE and SEEEEEEEEEE.
Remember how Ken often recommends EE as in Eight? Try initiating your EE's with Aye, as in say. So "Like MAY-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Or Say-EEEEEEEEEE, where there is still a little taste of the Aye even in the EE part of the sustained vowel. Not too obvious, but subtly. It will round off some of the hard edge there. This is low, so it's not a big deal, but that's just something to keep in mind for smoothing off the corners a bit. Up high, that would be a big deal.
Very nice, @stratman! You're getting more comfortable with your voice! You're developing some very nice tone. Pleasant to hear. You used to struggle with pitch. I'm not hearing that now.
@stratman Being a big Neil Young fan myself, I was exited to see this video. Not many people Take on Neil's tunes. I thought it came out really good. You sang it in your voice, and made it your own instead of trying to impersonate Neil's vocal. I know I've said this a hundred times before, but I really love the live, raw sound of just a guy/girl and a guitar. there's nothing more pure in music.
@videoace I love Neil's songs. Even though I do them a little lower in key, I would like to be able to do them a bit higher. I particularly like Mike Masse's version of this song.
@stratman His version is really good also, but I think Mike loses a bit of the overall feel of the song. Your version is closer to the original feel of the song in my opinion. To me that's important because it's that feeling that attracts us to the song. Don't get me wrong. He did an awesome version of it, but to me it's too polished, and not raw enough if that makes sense.
@Gaston_Jauregui yes. 10,000,000 views. I watched an interview with Mike. He says most people find out about him through his Africa video. I’ll post it here as it really is pretty impressive as a live cover. @videoace ... Tony, you may be interested in this as you mentioned a guy with his guitar raw is to your liking.
Listen and hear how easily I kill this classic tune by KISS.
Best of the Season to you :-)
Here's an Original demo with a good ole buddy of mine from my hometown providing the instrumentals. He sent me the music track to China just the other day.
Put on your dancin' shoes!
It's called "You Wear It Well"
Long time no see - hope you guys are well!
It seems you guys have been busy, I'm looking forward to scrolling up the list here and having a listen to all your tunes!
Peace Out & Have a Great December!
Nicely done! Rock on :-)
Sometimes I have a raspiness in my voice that I think really works awesome. I aim to sing clean but if I get a raspy effect without having to change anything than I think it's fine.
In practicing with no band sometimes I wonder if any progress is being made, and then when I go to sing with people I am amazed by how easily I can sing with no difficulty.
Right now I'm trying to promote and sell my album. If you can help me with that or if you know anyone who can help then please let me know.
Made something yesterday, it was really spontaneous but I had fun recording this live cover so I decided to share it.
Very cool. Nice tone, good support. Watch out on those broken-up screams. You might hurt your cords doing that very often. I suggest you cut the volume back a little more on those if you want your voice to last a long time.
good job.
Good job! yes don't hurt yourself.
Plus you made it your own instead of trying to sound like Chris Cornell which was also cool.
Good work! (watch those chord changes ha ha)
Peace, Tony
I liked it. It was really good.
Peace, Tony
The Mephistopheles Of Los Angeles - Marilyn Manson vocal cover by Ron
Got together with some of my old buddies at Bandhub
A little Godsmack - circa 1998 :-)
Where can 'you' feel it?
I didn't realize how challenging this one would be until I actually tried singing it! Ouff!
You can also follow up on my "How to sing better than anyone else" lifetime journey and challenges here - http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6821/overtime-updating-review-starting-the-experience#latest
Unfortunately, pitch itself never being on my strong side, still way to go, step by step, day by day, it's lifetime journey
Honestly, I'm still just so glad to be able to sing at all
Hi Guys,
Here one in my native language Bangla. Very amature recording. Hoprfully you'll be able to distinguish the quirks in my voice and share some tips.
What I feel is that I need to develop some power and aggression for the type of music we are producing.
What are your thoughts?
Nice job!
pls note I haven't started the course yet and I just sing at home for fun
Very good for a starter video. You'll find that you get a lot more control and power from doing Ken's exercises and techniques. I think TommyM made some good, valid comments about this video. You will do well with the course!
Are you doing KTVA? If not, do your voice the pleasure of getting it. You've got a lot of really great potential there and this is really well recorded. I look forward to hearing more from you!
I'm not doing KTVA yet, been really interested in it though!
Thanks for the nice feedback!
Nice Job!
Peace, Tony
This is about 6 months old. I dropped it a half step. Today I could do it in the original key no problem.
Only thing I would say is lower the backing track a bit, and get a little closer to the microphone on some of the the lower parts.
All the best,
I don't think I need more words for that.
Really well done
All the best,
Speaking of covers, just recorded a new one. Roy Khan released music recently so I made an arrangement of the song, programmed the instruments, played the acoustic guitars and sang the song. The song is called For All and here's a link, hope you like it!
Wanted to sing this song for the really long time, at last, I suppose I can
The high parts are dynamite. This is excellent, especially considering the vocal setbacks you have had to overcome. Your voice is dynamic and powerful. Just go over these notes with a fine-toothed comb and make sure there are no sharp or flat areas that need to be smoothed-out.
All the Best, @Artickus !
1:26 that melismatic flew out of my head, to be honest
All the best!
P.S. That should be G#2? I suppose something around A2(maybe even A#2) is the lowest I can sustain kinda good when singing live, when I train I can get somewhere like G2, just discovering my lows a bit.
P.S.2 Dynamite is how I feel when I sing that mostly because of Ken.
One thing that I noticed is how you go MEEEEEEEEEEE and SEEEEEEEEEE.
Remember how Ken often recommends EE as in Eight? Try initiating your EE's with Aye, as in say. So "Like MAY-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Or Say-EEEEEEEEEE, where there is still a little taste of the Aye even in the EE part of the sustained vowel. Not too obvious, but subtly. It will round off some of the hard edge there. This is low, so it's not a big deal, but that's just something to keep in mind for smoothing off the corners a bit. Up high, that would be a big deal.
I thought it came out really good. You sang it in your voice, and made it your own instead of trying to impersonate Neil's vocal. I know I've said this a hundred times before, but I really love the live, raw sound of just a guy/girl and a guitar. there's nothing more pure in music.
Good Job
Peace, Tony
Peace, Tony